24 November 2005, 22:54 by mark hoekstra

cool LED-drawings

a friend of mine, eworm (for whom I just put together a fresh computersystem) added some very nice pics to his flickr-album.

click image to go to corresponding pic on flickr

click image to go to corresponding pic on flickr

He made this by using a 15-seconds shuttertime on his Canon Powershot 75 and drawing this with a little white led…

It’s most certainly been done before, so don’t even bother if that’s what you want to say… If someone knows flickr-pools where he can add this, you’re welcome of course… And who’s gonna draw something with other color-leds as well?... (how about a christmas-tree in green, red, blue and white?) Now that would make some awesome christmascard, now wouldn’t it?

(Oh! and Happy Thanksgiving everyone :D (it’s not something we celebrate overhere, but still…))

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24 November 2005, 00:34 by mark hoekstra

...and another exotic SEGA

Quite by coincedence, while I was drooling over the SPROBE in a previous post, , a friend of mine, Nico, tipped me the Sega Lindbergh

click image to go to sega.jp

Although the specs remind me a little too much of a PC, it still is one awesome looking machine… I’d say, I want it as a workstation-enclosure :-) (and they wanna hide this thing inside arcade-cabinets? how about making those transparant?)

click image to go to sega.jp

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23 November 2005, 00:37 by mark hoekstra

How-To: The Magic Phone, Part 2

Check out Fabienne’s part two of her Magic Phone How-To over at engadget

Magic Phone:
Part 1: Number Pad Matrix Decoding
Part 2: The Circuit

The Magic Phone is a project where both a DECT compatible wireless home phone and a GSM cellphone are placed inside an old rotary phone.

In part 2 Fabienne explains what it takes to make a custom PCB for this project.

click to enlarge

You gotta admit, making/etching your own PCB for your own custom project… I mean.. wow… (it makes a nice wallpaper too, btw…)

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22 November 2005, 21:51 by mark hoekstra

ASSEMbler - home of the obscure

The old ASSEMBler-site is one of those sites, hidden deep inside my bookmarks (non-del.icio.us) which I only tend to visit once in a while…

But now, they have a new home!

ASSEMbler Home

All fresh! Go check it out…

While I was admiring the new site I rediscovered why I keep coming back to this site (although not very often, but I’m no gamer either)...

click to enlarge

SEGA Genesis Dev “SPROBE” article

click to enlarge

It’s articles like this I dig the most. I mean, obsolete game development hardware, you gotta admit, that is cool… :D

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21 November 2005, 20:44 by mark hoekstra


CCTVme is an object that works like an analog firewall. It protects people’s privacy from outside attacks through the internal videocamera.

The user can choose between three sets of cards, each with three images. These sets are divided into the categories: Privacy, Perplexity and Anonymity.

The objective is to show the calling person that each video call turns him or her into an attacker or invader of somebody else’s privacy.

Part of Martin Redigolo’s Master Thesis: „Videophones“ – Influence, Impact and Future


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21 November 2005, 20:19 by mark hoekstra

OSx86: 10.4.3 Security Broken

OSx86 Project reports:

10.4.3 Security Broken. And we’re a little surprised…

Which is nice and something I hoped for… only one thing, I already returned everything I used to build this:

click to go to the ‘getting to grips with OSx86’-project-page

So… no ‘10.4.3 on x86’-testing for me… for now that is… if this story continues (like it should imho) we can run OSx86 on about everything in a (short?) while… We’ll see… :-)

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21 November 2005, 07:06 by mark hoekstra

Monday Morning Promotion

geektechnique’s gained some banners (look to your right, oh there!)


Well, let me tell you… I run this site now for 2 1/2 years and especially the last couple of months have seen quite a rise in traffic, which is all brilliant of course… But even though I managed to move this thing from my closet, to a friends’ spare bedroom, to the datacenter it is now… (and from a 180MHz MIPS via a 1.2GHz Athlon to a dual 2.4GHz Xeon) without any funding or hard cash at all (except my own 2 nickles and dimes I sometimes happen to have), the time has come to try to at least break even on the hosting… (and let me tell you, we’re not even close yet).

So, from now on… on Monday Morning, I’ll present you with a (drumroll please) Promotion! :D

Now, don’t be afraid, I’m not gonna sell my soul to the devil here… I honestly quite like this first promotion :-)

Dr. Dobb’s Journal

click to sign up for free

About Dr. Dobb’s Journal

Since 1976, DDJ has led the computer press in covering practical technology. Unlike many magazines that focus exclusively on a single platform, language, or even a single development tool, we have over twenty years of experience covering all languages, platforms, and tools. Our authors, like our readers, are professional software developers that want to revise proposed standards, explore new technologies, argue over programming style, and share tricks of the trade.

And guess what? I can offer you (yes, you!), a free subscription! (click that link to sign up). There are no catches and you won’t be charged… If you like any of the other magazines on the right better, be my guest… sign up and you’ll be my hero! (if that’s what you like, otherwise you’ll be some pretty girls hero) :-)

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21 November 2005, 01:49 by mark hoekstra

Planet Sony

Dan Kaminsky explains:


Sony has a rootkit.

The rootkit phones home.

Phoning home requires a DNS query.

DNS queries are cached.


...and when you know a little bit of what Dan is about (for instance… old, but you get the idea), you know from that point it’s owned ;-)

I suggest you read his site for more info on this:

Planet Sony
Separation Anxiety

Anyways, the end result is these marvelous images…

click to enlarge

all the images:
planet sony usa 1
planet sony europe 1
planet sony asia 1
planet sony usa 2
planet sony europe 2
planet sony asia 2

You’d almost would wanna buy this t-shirt just for that, or ?... naaah ;-)

click image to go to the ‘I heart rootkit’-tee (via)

...and if you don’t have a clue what this is about, I suggest you read Sony anti-customer technology roundup and time-line over at BoingBoing :-)

Oh… and when you happen to have such Sony-CD’s laying around, I suggest you make some warning labels for them…

click image to go to warninglabelgenerator.com

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20 November 2005, 00:41 by mark hoekstra

old skool weekend & site updates

This morning I thought “oh, let’s update textpattern!”, of which my server ran version 1.0rc3 but it seems they’re already at 4.0.2 now… It should’ve gone easy, but of course, it didn’t… I used messy url-ing (like index.php?id=264) on this site, because I had some trouble with the dynamic text replacement script, combined with clean url-ing (like /blog/322)... but… on this all-improved textpattern (and it really is a major improvement), it seems site-sections (like /about) don’t work when you don’t have clean-url-ing… So I configured it to use clean url-ing and had to dig deep to find the reason why my dynamic text replacement wouldn’t work… It seemed it all had to do with a test-image which is sent to the browser to check if your browser does understand images at all, if the answer is yes, it sends you the rendered headers above each post… Now, in the script, the location of the test-image (test.png) was relative instead of absolute and so the whole dynamic text replacement was broken when you tried to load a clean url…

Anyways… having that fixed, I also noticed there’s a nice import-funtion in textpattern, which led me to configure my server to (for once and for all) run my old content-management-system (which is movable type btw) so I would be able to fix some errors in old posts and export everything out of it… but then it seemed I had everything backed up except the old database (which for security-reasons was nowhere in the web-accessible directories of course)

...which led me to fire up my old webserver (also for once and for all) to get access to my old database there…

I managed to get all the data into MovableType on my current server, changed some url’s in the old posts, exported it, imported it into textpattern and guess what?

This site now has an archive!!! yay!

...and that includes some very old posts from the very beginning of this site… everything is also searchable from the search-box on the right :-)

So, digging through old posts and with my Classic II already on the kitchentable, connected through a serial cable to my Sun Ultra 1 in my closet and my Challenge S on a chair… this must be old-skool-weekend…

next to the archive, there are lots and lots of smaller changes I made to the site… there are still some flaws but for now it’s good to go …euhm, I guess… ;-)

OH! and if this site all of a sudden acts freaky(I see some strange requests in my logs)... try emptying your cache, I had to change quite a bit to quite some files today…

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19 November 2005, 02:15 by mark hoekstra

Banksy: King Rat (london street art)

Banksy is already a known artist, I guess…

“He is a popular icon and media hero, complete with his own website and publicist. He’s been asked to do advertisements for companies such as Nike, and Damien Hirst has bought most of the pieces in the exhibition, which are reportedly priced at more than £25,000 each (2). The fact that he remains anonymous and is wanted by the police for his graffiti simply adds to the allure.” link

Anyways, I had a very good time going through his own website and one with lots of pictures of his street art

click image to go the corresponding image on artofthestate.co.uk

click image to go the corresponding image on artofthestate.co.uk

click image to go the corresponding image on artofthestate.co.uk

But I guess he will be most known for placing his own work in the Metropolitan Museum in New York and attempting the same at the Tate Gallery :-)


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