19 November 2005, 00:26 by mark hoekstra

Compact Macs are still brilliant...

This sounds like a joke…

There’s a guy coming into an Apple Store with his 1989 Mac SE asking for an upgrade…

(if it would’ve been me who was asked for advice, I probably would’ve adviced him to upgrade to the maximum of 4MB memory and maybe a larger harddrive, a 40MB harddrive is a little cramped for nowadays use…(and 16 years of banking-history)) ;-)

I mean, there’s so much to say for a machine that has worked (probably flawlessly) for 16 years… And we all only could wish everything made since (by other companies) was as brilliant as system six on a Compact Mac... *sigh*

click image to go to the original blogpost

Anyways, this was all over the news today...

...which led the people over at tuaw.com to ask what the oldest functioning mac is, you own...

click to enlarge

In my case, it’s this 1991 Mac Classic II and this pic is taken tonight and no, I didn’t take it out of my closet for nothing… it’s getting used pretty well this weekend, for my current project…

click to enlarge

...of which I’ll update you probably later this weekend. The above screenshot is from the Classic II and gives you a slight insight in what I’m working on… I’ll keep you posted :-)

other old Macs in working order I own:
Quadra 800 running A/UX
LC475 running NetBSD (that link is served to you from that very Mac, no less…)

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18 November 2005, 20:24 by mark hoekstra

awesome laser etched powerbook

Phillip Torrone from MAKE: got his powerbook etched and it came out totally awesome!

click image to go to MAKE:blog-post

click image to enlarge

laser etched powerbook

Excellent choice of graphic too, I love the detail in it, when I first heared of laser etching I was thinking of tribal signs and such, but this is totally awesome! (yes I already said that, I know…) :-)

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18 November 2005, 13:54 by mark hoekstra

22C3: Private Investigations

A little while ago I tried to find information about the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress, but at that time there wasn’t much information about how to attend and such… but… this week they put the weblog and the wiki online! yay!

So, although I’m not 100% sure I’ll go, it’s time to make some plans and see if I can make it… :D

In the mean time, check some of these wallpapers :-)

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18 November 2005, 01:19 by mark hoekstra

Animi Causa: Feel seating system

click pic to go to animicausa.com

120 balls, covered with elastic fabric make up for the Feel seating system. The shape is inspired by a molecular structure, the basic form for all objects in the universe…

I’d say, I like this basic form very much and this other basic form (my couch) for it anytime…

via (which I found in my referrer-log)

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17 November 2005, 01:58 by mark hoekstra

How to build your own small wardriver box!

This is actually what I am thinking of… I now have an old iBook with a Belkin F5D7050 USB-WLAN-dongle, which has worked great for me on the EuroOSCON but somehow I miss out on quite some possibilities or things I want to experiment with… So a little box which I can put in my laptopbag as well would be great…

click to go to wardriving.ch

How to build your own small wardriver box!

BTW, I see the last time they updated their site is just before WhatTheHack... Hmmz, now I know they were selling Soekris-hardware in the tent I was staying and I also was introduced with the idea of using these boxes as wardriving-boxes (not sure if those were the same guys though)... Anyways, I guess I’m gonna experiment with OpenBSD on the iBook itself first and after that, a dedicated OpenBSD-box in my bag sounds very tempting :-)


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16 November 2005, 19:08 by mark hoekstra

EFF launches Bloggers Rights fundraiser

geektechnique’s got an EFF fundraiser badge. (look to your right, oh there!)


Well, for instance, EFF has won fights to require the cops to get a warrant before reading your email, to knock out parts of the PATRIOT Act, to kill frivolous copyright and trademark suits aimed at silencing criticism and innumerable other critical pieces of the struggle to keep the Internet free and open.

And now the EFF is Fighting for Bloggers’ Rights

click image to go to eff.org/bloggers

...but of course, I also fancy a pair of EFF’s blogger pyjama bottoms and an EFF blogger t-shirt :-)

So… join the EFF today!


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15 November 2005, 18:45 by mark hoekstra

MAKE OUT: geek love on your terms!

Over at the joy of tech they turned MAKE: magazine into MAKE OUT: magazine

I say they should publish it! ;-)

via (of course!)

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15 November 2005, 02:03 by mark hoekstra

hello kitty now makes your phone smell...

...euhm… don’t even ask… from Japan of course…

‘Is the first among the world! It is news universal design in “odor” at arrival of the mail of a cellular phone!’

click to go to the productpage

...and make sure you don’t miss the Keitai KunKun (NIOUNDESU, It Really Smells)...

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15 November 2005, 01:37 by mark hoekstra

show your BSD-aficionadism!

...with some nice clean wallpapers!

click to go to daemonisch.be

It’s my favourite blowfish! ;-)

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11 November 2005, 17:01 by mark hoekstra

OSx86 on a quad Xeon?

This seems to be posted anonymously already a month ago at MacBidouille/HardMac but I came across it just today…

click to enlarge

...and no, I’m not making the mistake of misinterpreting 2 hyperthreading CPU’s as being 4 CPU’s… On the CPU-monitor you see 8 CPU’s, so that makes 4 hyperthreading CPU’s a.k.a. a quad Xeon :-)

click to enlarge

this probably means there has been a succesful attempt on getting a Darwin-kernel with Xeon-support… Now all I want to know is, where can I get it? Or how can I compile my own? :-) My temporary OSx86-box(without a box) is leaving my house any moment now and I’d love to continue doing some testing on my dual-Xeon workstation and if it all works fine I’ll even trade my SSE2 Xeons for some EM64T SSE3-ones if that’s what it takes (it’s always nice to find a reason to upgrade) :-)

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