4 December 2005, 13:38 by mark hoekstra

Depth-of-Field machine

Now this is a pretty interesting device…

click to go to the DOF machine website

DOF is simply said a distance range in which the objects appears to be in focus. Large DOF means that area is larger and more of the scene will appear in focus, shallow DOF means the range will be smaller and objects closer or further will appear blurred.

You all know the effect, some parts are in focus and some aren’t… And somehow we interpret this as a cinematic effect, since we all saw it in the movies :D … So, we want that on our home videos too, now don’t we? Well, that’s where this machine comes in, it solves the depth-of-field of CCD-cameras by projecting it to a surface (roughly the size of a 35mm film) and using your video-camera to capture that…

some examples

click to go to the DOF machine website

...and of course, the building process looks like fun too!

DOF machine website


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2 December 2005, 01:21 by mark hoekstra

Easy Ajax... web-2-point-HoHoHo!

24 ways shows a way to get your toes wet with ajax in Easy Ajax with Prototype

...and of course I had to try it… now try the example overhere (on my server)

OMG! it actually works! ;-)

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30 November 2005, 01:44 by mark hoekstra

The Path to Pwn

I actually enjoyed this column

No-one who has any PC experience owns any of the following:
...USB Card reader in the shape of any Disney Character…

Common protocol is to have either an abstract background from Deviant Art, any kind of soft-core pornography…

Music wallpapers are acceptable provided anyone who visits will never have heard of the band you’re promoting.

The Path to Pwn (bit-tech.net)


Another way to pwn (and then for real) is of course spent 25 years of your life behind anything which remotely resembles something called a computer and then preferably somewhere in the first 35 years of your life…


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30 November 2005, 00:53 by mark hoekstra

Linux Scarf

Allrighty… and now I’ll stop it! promise! but this one is just too nice to not blog :D

via (of course!) :-)

(...now who has a knitting pattern of puffy the blowfish?)

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29 November 2005, 01:59 by mark hoekstra

iPod knitted socks

Well, this is just a recurring thing around here… never mind :-)

knit patterns! so you can make a sock for that nano or ipod 5G :D

...and of course, after you’re done knitting… you can still embroider that sock! weee!


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28 November 2005, 23:49 by mark hoekstra

Just Say No to Microsoft

Apparently there’s a book now, called ” Just Say No to Microsoft”

euhm, yes, this is an old picture linking to an old article… :-)

I searched for Steve B. but found this :-)

Anyways, who needs a book to say no to microsoft? I guess you can better spent that money on something else… MS is going downhill any way :-) Or do you really plan on upgrading to Vista Christmas 2005 2006…? I’d say, spent that money on hardware and put some proper open-source software on there and you’re set…

just my 2 cents…


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28 November 2005, 19:01 by mark hoekstra

panogames.com, panoramic screenshots from games

Well, I already blogged about the HL2 striders and the Quake IV panoramashots before, but now it seems the guys from VRmag have started a dedicated website for all these beautiful shots :-)


So if it’s Call of Duty II (these ones are fresh!)

click image to view the panoscreens

Half-Life 2

click image to view the panoscreens

or Quake IV

click image to view the panoscreens

...you’re looking for in all panoramic beauty, go visit panogames.com

There are panoramic shots of much more games too…

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26 November 2005, 20:33 by mark hoekstra

Coeno One, an interactive table

Coeno is a computer enhanced presentation environment designed for presenting a storyboard using tabletop technology in combination with augmented content. The system allows multiple participants to interact easily around a shared workspace, while having access to their own private information spaces and a public presentation space.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

images and video...

If you really like this interaction table kind of thing (I do!), Pasta and Vinegar have put together quite an impressive list of interactive tables.


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25 November 2005, 21:41 by mark hoekstra

HL2 striders attacking Köln!

Köln, Germany – 25 november 2005

They arrived, they are huge! We saw them walking down the streets in Köln.
Those Striders have arrived during the morning, and till now it seems they are coming in peace.
Nobody is scared about them, childrens are playing with the striders, and they enjoy it.

More information on this in next reports from Köln

click to view fullscreen (QTVR, QT needed)
otherwise, try the java VR-version

detail out of the above panoramashot:

click to view fullscreen (QTVR, QT needed)
otherwise, try the java VR-version

HL2 Striders attacking Köln


I can’t wait for some more shots from Köln. This simply looks amazing…

BTW these shots are made by VRmag, using this technique (HDR lighting). I blogged VRmag’s Quake IV panoramashots before.

(Thanks Johnny!)

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25 November 2005, 00:49 by mark hoekstra

...and even more game development hardware

Well, this seems to become the ‘theme’ of the last few days… (old) game-development hardware… I’m really not sure what my main attraction to it is, but it’s all so magical or something :-)

Somehow I’d like (and probably have more fun with) such an old system better than some new console... for which people (or penny arcade) decide to line up... and/or massively overpay on ebay...

Anyways, the top game-development-setup in my humble opinion (and I sure don’t know every dev-system out there) still is (and I’d love to own one, which I don’t by the way… (yeah, a couple of Indys (Indies?) but no Ultra64-developmnet-board (and it really says ‘developmnet’ on the board! how about that! ;-)) this SGI Indy + Ultra64 development-board with a complete Nintendo64 on there…

click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge

And now I start to wonder (when I came across this last image)...

click image to enlarge

...this Xbox kit is actually called a debug kit instead of a development kit… (insert joke here) would their development Apple G5’s also be called debug-units? (insert another joke here, preferably even lamer) :D

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