9 December 2005, 23:36 by mark hoekstra

del.icio.us acquired by y.a.hoo!

del.icio.us has been acquired by yahoo

del.icio.us: y.ah.oo! (blogentry at del.icio.us)

...and they already did acquire flickr

I’d say Yahoo is betting right…

Web 2.0 is maturing further… I guess :D

del.icio.us office (really it is!)

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9 December 2005, 19:57 by mark hoekstra

...getting photographed

This afternoon I got a visit from Sabina Theijs, she’s a photographer working on a project to capture Nieuwe Garde, a network of creative individuals I’m also involved in…

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Don’t you just love that camera? That’s a Hasselblad indeed… in true analog excellence… If everything goes according to plan, I’ll be getting scans of the images she made somewhere this week.

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9 December 2005, 19:27 by mark hoekstra

OpenSPARC: chip design goes Open Source

Sun decided to Open Source it’s Niagara (UltraSPARC T1) chip design

“While there’s a good deal of skill in the instantiation, a silicon chip these days is “just” the compiled version of a software design. A chip like the UltraSPARC T1 is actually a huge Verilog program compiled to atoms instead of assembly language.”

“You don’t know where it’s going to go,” said Sun’s CEO Scott McNealy, during a product launch event in New York. “That’s the beauty of it.”

click to enlarge

“In the coming months we plan to post source code, documentation, and tools based on our 64-bit, multithreaded UltraSPARC T1 processor. The UltraSPARC T1’s CoolThreads technology has set a whole new standard for the industry in terms of throughput and energy efficiency, and now you can join the revolution. It’s worth a peek; it’s free. Welcome to the world of 64-bit computing, and 32 threads.”


OpenSPARC community site

Damn, you gotta love this! I’m a huge fan of OpenBSD on SUN hardware… seems with this, that this is a combination I’ll be able to use for a long time ahead :-) Open Source software on Open Source hardware… it’s a beautiful world after all ;-)

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9 December 2005, 00:23 by mark hoekstra

NADD Nerd Attention Deficiency Disorder

totally unrelated, but click to enlarge… and yes, that’s my amplifier, both of them :-)

Folks, this isn’t multi-tasking. This is advanced case of Nerd Attention Deficiency Disorder. :-)

NADD, Nerd Attention Deficiency Disorder


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8 December 2005, 23:58 by mark hoekstra

Hello Kitty Robot

click hello kitty to go to the productpage

Now imagine a beowulf cluster of these… :-)


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7 December 2005, 23:56 by mark hoekstra

BS audiophile products

...I spotted this list in this Wired-article and I must say, I found it highly amuzing :-)

just one of them… a cable elevator… yeah right :-)

worst ‘audiophile’ productslist @ ilikejam

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7 December 2005, 19:45 by mark hoekstra

How-to stop filesharers from stealing bandwidth

How-to stop filesharers from stealing hotel bandwidth

All you need is ntop and some social engineering skills… brilliant… :D


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6 December 2005, 23:28 by mark hoekstra

Fony Paystation

As it seems, Sony has hired graffiti artists in major urban areas to spray-paint buildings with simple, totemic images of kids playing with the gadget to market its handheld game device to hip city dwellers

Well… it seems the people on the street haven’t just forgotten Sony’s last brilliant move and started adjusting the guerilla-marketing-campaign a little bit :-)

click the image to go to the wired-story

Fony Paystation : a photoset on Flickr
Wooster Collective : Reactions to the Sony PSP Campaign


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5 December 2005, 01:40 by mark hoekstra

How-to make a bike charger for your ipod!

click to go to the projectpage
photo credits: nijne

Well… I converted my DIY hand crank ipod charger into an ipod bike charger :-)

read all about it on my project page

(comments are off on this one, you can comment on the project page)

update ...or you can digg it of course :-)

update...or digg the engadget-story... (that one seems to take off on digg… :D )

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4 December 2005, 15:32 by mark hoekstra


Right, it’s a nice sunday and I still have this thing with skulls :-)

click to go to skullskates.com

If you’re looking for some skullwear I suggest you look no further than the skullskates webshop

...the skullskates website itself is pretty interesting too…

found via this post

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