13 December 2005, 21:27 by mark hoekstra

Half-Real: Video Games between Real Rules...

Half-Real : Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds

click to go to the book’s website

“The Half-Real of the title refers to the fact that video games are two rather different things at the same time: video games are real in that they are made of real rules that players actually interact with; that winning or losing a game is a real event. However, when winning a game by slaying a dragon, the dragon is not a real dragon, but a fictional one. To play a video game is therefore to interact with real rules while imagining a fictional world and a video game is a set of rules as well a fictional world.”

Jesper Juul’s own blogpost about the book (the ludologist)

Well, this looks mighty interesting… :-) I don’t know what it is about games though, I hardly play them, but everything around it, being the hardware or anything else, captures my interest somehow…


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13 December 2005, 02:06 by nijne

growcube! :D

this game rocks SO damn hard!
it’s really hard, but it can be done :D

see? :D

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13 December 2005, 00:23 by mark hoekstra

...introducing Nijne (*^_^*)

I decided I could use some help to keep this blog running… and I think I found a perfect partner-in-crime, Nijne! ;-)

She introduced herself two posts down and in all it’s brilliance I don’t think I can add anything to it… :-)

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13 December 2005, 00:08 by mark hoekstra

my little green ibook on digg.com

click to go to the projectpage

And then… all of a sudden an old project of mine gets noticed on digg.com and it takes off! (at the moment of writing it’s on the frontpage!) OMG… I need to talk to my host… ;-) I’m burning bandwidth like there’s no tomorrow… (is there? anyone?) :-)

Modding your iBook: Making it Green. (digg.com)

to give you an impression… at around 21:30 CET it took off… and at 0:00, 2 1/2 hours later, I’ve got 8000 visitors extra solely on this project and all from digg.com... I mean … wow…

...and in the first 30 minutes of december 13th… this site got 1200 visitors which is 1017MB of traffic… that’s 550kbytes/sec up on average!... digg.com really is the new slashdot... (and this site’s been on there too... with this...(although, the urls have changed))

...that was on my old server… my current one is quite prepared for this kind of traffic :-)

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12 December 2005, 22:36 by

just call me [9eh]

Vector vixen~*, 133f, thinks, designs, loves, loves design, reads, <3, thinks, obliquely smiling, sings, writes, Adobe Illustrator, computers, ambition, NUNZIO, (+.+)(-.-)(_ _) ..zzZZ [insomnia] sleep is futile, hectic, science, guavajuice, knowledge, design, cmyk, slsk, wtf, wine, w(o)W oo--- watashi nihongo hanase mase--n, pink, art deco, patrick wolf, indietronics, idm, M U S I C, kurt elling, bubbles, fractals, fonts, lime green, nou en, styrofoam, spring, frou frou, kawaii, doozo yoroshiku?, 10 prints ‘hi’ 20 goto 10, phylumsinter, $just@when->$you$ {thought} s/yn/tax/&couldn\’t%get$worse; ,o(><;)(;><)o, insomniac hermit, vegetables, balance, novel23, ms. snugglebunny von squeeziebutt, omg, 9eh, xlr8, stfu, (((o(o”)o))), carelessness causes fire, syntax error, digitonal, freezepop, angelic fruitcake, dntel, more wine, learning, postal service, m3rck, city centre offices, transluscence, styrofoam, a bump in the road, qwerty, machinedrum, sneezing, home is where my ass is, mindmaze, naussea, art is love> love is art, boogygirls stick together, amiga, equations, baileys, hans appelqvist, the notwist, sugar and spice, electrical charm offensive, lame ass twat wanker prick wek sodding mouse eating pilly puff, philosophy, psychology, science, thinking, tarwater, as tu un tarte?, 9align, ilkae, string theory, anthropic principle, thinking, designing, kent, electric charm offensive™, japanese smileys (-”-;), Twibs my musicdealer, ascii demon, {[(--)(--)]}, dancing, jazz, twenties, , ^5, couches in alleys, chaos, pi, billie holiday, science, pie, quorn, jugend stil, raspberries, erlend oye, nieuwe garde, nibble my noble nose, universe, incense, innocence, stars, dull blue light, cooking, discovery, manual, the smell of rain in spring, cherry lipgloss, frank sinatra, mascara, melancholy, (*˚-ˇ*), jean pierre jeunet, sneezing, witty, passion, dynamic, neurokinetic, compulsive, internet addicted, paradox, spare time, socialism, rose petals, skype, la cite des enfants perdus, lemon, heartshaped lips, the robot ate me, symmetric stacks of paper, xela, metamorphosis, angelica anonymous, snap peas, the smell of ink, pantone, helios, fruitjuice, the bad plus, dreams, diagram of suburban chaos, bubbelicious, the elegant universe, searching for pink clouds, depeche mode,
apple, equilibrium, \o/, ()/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(((((;),
come get lost with me..

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12 December 2005, 21:46 by mark hoekstra

geektechnique on MobuzzTV!

click to go to the show

How about that? My ipod-charger for my bicycle is featured in todays show on MobuzzTV :D

...you can find the show in windows media-format over here

(and I mirrored it over here)

UPDATE Oh! I’m in the Spanish episode also! ;-)

click to go to the show

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11 December 2005, 13:43 by mark hoekstra

Latte Art

Shigeru Tateishi

Åsa Jelena Pettersson


Photos Dutch Championship Latte Art 2005

Latte Art Guide (coffeegeek.com)
Latte Art Examples (coffeegeek.com)
latte art – a photoset on flickr


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11 December 2005, 13:09 by mark hoekstra

Classic Webhits from around the Blogosphere

click to enlarge (so you’ll be able to read the titles)

4. Is anyone reading this (0 comments)
7. No No No No No No (Don’t feed the troll)
2. She dropped me from her blogroll (I’m not her friend now)
9. Interviewed for Hospital Radio (I’m a star now)

Now that’s what I want on my iPod!


...I can’t seem to find the original post on kottke.org, not that it matters, as if I was going to link to kottke… tssss… think again! ;-)

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10 December 2005, 23:22 by mark hoekstra

Website Development explained by Anime Toys

“This article takes you through that process, using the same photos. We hope you enjoy the pictures and if it also helps you to manage your workflow better if you are starting out as a web designer then that’s cool too :)”

PingMag – The Website Development Process

this slide is called ‘Client Feedback’
click it to go the site

Or even better… try it in Japanese!

I think it’s brilliant!


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10 December 2005, 02:27 by mark hoekstra

Stolen from Apple!

“Steve decided that if a company copied the Mac ROM into their computer, he would like to be able to do a demo during the trial, where he could type a few keystrokes into an unmodified infringing machine, and have a large “Stolen From Apple” icon (featuring a guy in prison bars!) appear on its screen”

Folklore.org : Macintosh Stories: Stolen from Apple


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