26 November 2005, 20:33 by mark hoekstra

Coeno One, an interactive table

Coeno is a computer enhanced presentation environment designed for presenting a storyboard using tabletop technology in combination with augmented content. The system allows multiple participants to interact easily around a shared workspace, while having access to their own private information spaces and a public presentation space.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

images and video...

If you really like this interaction table kind of thing (I do!), Pasta and Vinegar have put together quite an impressive list of interactive tables.


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As mentioned in the Message from Mark's family this site has been made static. This means that it will be no longer possible to comment on his ideas and projects, but that we all can continue to cherish his creativity.

previous: HL2 striders attacking Köln!

next: panogames.com, panoramic screenshots from games