19 June 2005, 13:01 by mark hoekstra

Atari 2600 webserver

“One engineer noted that “VCS” stood for “Video Computer System”, therefore this “computer” could indeed be used as a webserver.”

That’s some hard to beat logic… :-)

“requires 3 volts more power than the Tandy webserver, accounting/budget departement isn’t going to like the extra 32 cents per year it will take to run this thing.”

clicking the image brings you to the actual page


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19 June 2005, 03:16 by mark hoekstra

my iPod gets a free dock

I’ve been focused on getting Apple-hardware at the least possible cost… like my iNo and the NOcost-dockingstation to complement it…

Then I read the following in a newspaper (NRC Handelsblad, which is not-at-all a sensational tabloid or such, more the opposite):

I translated only a part, so you’ll get the idea

...I’ve been getting a clear picture of this trade and I want to try it myself to get some free accessories. With a lot of hassle I surf around in the puzzle calling itself the Apple-website. I end up on http://www.apple.com/nl/support/ , where I can fill out my iPod-ID somewhere on the bottom of the page. Then I have to search a little and in the middle of the page there’s a dropdown-menu under ‘product support’ and I select the iPod. After that I click on the ‘iPod service request form’ and I pretend as if my earbud headphones are broke. Thanks to the one year limited warranty I’m able to order a new set. My headphones really could’ve been broke. After this I push the boundaries a little and say that my dockingstation is broke, which is quite funny, since I never had a dockingstation for my iPod…

I read this on June 4th and hadn’t thought about it for a few days. Then I stumbled upon this article again and tried to find some info online about it. I was surprised I couldn’t find any, except this little forumthread on a Dutch Mac-forum.

In there they say it doesn’t work anymore and I got tempted to try it out… with the following result:

clicking this image will bring you more images

Tonight I also found the original article posted on the website of the online magazine Spunk (never mind their name) which are allied with NRC Handelsblad which is the newspaper who published this all and then I’m even more surprised this hasn’t gotten more attention. (Maybe this newspaper has an audience without iPods? ;-)). Anyways, if they want it back, they can have it back. If they want me to pay for it, I’ll pay for it. (They can’t charge my creditcard though, since I ain’t got one…). If I don’t hear anything, I’ll just use it.

So… what to think of all this? How about you decide…


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19 June 2005, 00:55 by mark hoekstra

24 heurs du mans 2005 (2)

Well, I must say I get more into the race as it continues and I guess I’m totally back into motorsports tomorrow-afternoon at 4 o’clock (when the race finishes).

Anyways, if you’re able to watch some coverage of the Le Mans 2005-race and you don’t know who to support or who’ll be your favourite, can I give you a suggestion?

How about Vanina Ickx ? :-)

She’s racing the X-markets/Rollcentre Racing Dallara Judd with Nr. 18

courtesy of Philippe Graton Photography

for more pics of Vanina, cliquez ici!

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18 June 2005, 14:27 by mark hoekstra

24 Heurs du Mans 2005

This weekend there’s the 24 hours-race of Le Mans. Probably the most historic race of the year along with the Monaco Grand Prix. The Monaco Grand Prix gets excellent coverage all over, but somehow the 24 hours of Le Mans seems to be a little forgotten, which is a shame cause it’s a great race. It’s actually a lot of races all into one, there are different categories which all race in the same 24 hours…

1.1 – Catégories “LE MANS” Prototype :
a/ Groupe “LM” P1, plus “LM” P900, “LM” GTP, “LM” P675 châssis carbone
b/ Groupe “LM” P2, plus “LM” P675 châssis aluminium ou tubulaire
1.2 – Catégories “LE MANS” Grand Tourisme :
a/ Groupe “LM” GT1
b/ Groupe “LM” GT2

That’s probably part of the problem... Since it’s such a long race, there’s most of the times a difference of one or more laps between the cars, next to that there are the different categories, so when you see cars racing next to each other on the track, chances are they aren’t competing in the race next to each other…

official page

Jan Lammers / Racing for Holland-site

Le Mans at Eurosport

Somehow, the golden years are long ago I guess… Even though there have been little changes to the track, the absolute track-record and distance-record was set in …1971!

Distance record set by the 1971 winners: 5,335.31 km, average speed: 222.304 km/h. (that’s an average over 24 hours!)

Fastest lap was set during the 1971 race by Jackie Oliver in the number 18 Gulf Porsche 917LH with a time of 3:18.40, an average speed of 244.387 km/h.

The winners in 1971 (also the year of the movie Le Mans, although it was shot in the 1970-race) were Dr. Helmut Marko and (dutchman) Gijs van Lennep in the glorious Porsche 917K … (there’s a reason that car is in my dreamcar-list).

So what’s the point of the prototypes since technologically they’re able to produce much faster cars than they actually drive (same goes for the Formula 1)? Imho, the GT-categories seem to become more interesting (but that could be personal). I wouldn’t mind if they would split it up into two raceweekends, one for the prototypes and factory-teams and such and one weekend with a GT-only race where (just like in the old days) anyone who has a lot of money to spend can race in such a race…

Anyways, this is a race which should be there forever and I really hope it does… (so I’m able to visit it at one time in my life)

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17 June 2005, 14:08 by mark hoekstra

Pulp Fiction in 30 Seconds

...and re-enacted by bunnies.


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16 June 2005, 01:39 by mark hoekstra

LEGO-chicks with guns...

Chicks with guns reminds me of the videos Samuel L. Jackson and Robert de Niro watch in Jackie Brown... but made out of LEGO? Hmmmmz….

via -> via

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16 June 2005, 01:13 by mark hoekstra


video 1, video 2, video 3, video 4

Virtual World of Art

The DEVMAP project is feeded with new content throughout the duration of the DEAF04 festival. New textures and pictures are captured from events and artworks and are then mapped onto the virtual spaces.

Three visitors can visit DEVMAP simultaneously. Visitors influence their world when navigating through the virtual spaces. Depending on the routes they take and the works they visit, the environment, as well as the body of their avatar, will look different each visit and each day.

The visitors share the same virtual space, see each other and can chat with each other but every visitor sees his world in a unique way depending on the personal choices they have made in the virtual world.

This looks amazing to me… the fact that they’re using a Quake3-engine and the fact they use (semi)realtime-content does have a major attraction I guess… I hope a similar installation is to be found on the What the Hack festival next month…


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14 June 2005, 19:34 by mark hoekstra

my 2 cents on OS X on x86...

Well… what I hope is happening:

1. There’s a Developer X86-Version of Mac OS X. Well, that’s pretty obvious, what else was Steve Jobs showing on the keynote speech and what else will they be shipping with their Development Kits?
2. Mac hasn’t done anything in protecting this OS X-release, just as they didn’t (copy)protect OS X in anyway for the PowerPC.
3. Apple actually doesn’t mind millions of people who are eager to try OS X on their beige boxes. (Why would they?) But this is people trying out pirate-copies of OS X… So, if you do like it and you want your stuff legal, you still have to buy an Intel-Mac as long as Apple doesn’t sell OS X separate… :-)

Now, that would be pretty neat huh? So, chances are the world is flooded with a brilliant OS in a short while (and let’s be thankful for that alone!) but everyone knows you have an illegal copy just by looking at the box it’s running on…

Still… I first have to see if this is the way Apple means things to go… If it is, they must be playing a brilliant marketingscheme.

Rumour is there’s a torrent floating around, but that’s still only a rumour imho…

Next to that, Mac OS X-screenshots are not that hard to make (for anyone wanting to believe the screenshots of Mac OS X really running on beige boxes…)


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14 June 2005, 18:25 by mark hoekstra

philippe starck's guns collection

Ain’t these some cool lamps?

At least I think they’re quite cool… And I guess it won’t be too hard to make a design ripoff off of them. (Think toy-guns, spraypaint etc.)

There’s an explanation of Philippe Starck:

The gold of the weapons represents
the collusion between money and war
Table Gun symbolises the East
Bed Side Gun symbolises Europe
Lounge Gun stands for the West
The black shade signifies death
The crosses on the inside are to remind us
of our dead ones.

Right, Philippe, whatever you say, I just think they’re cool… that’s all… :-)

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12 June 2005, 22:38 by mark hoekstra

USB/ADB Optical Mouse

Well… I could ‘ve come up with this myself…

USB/ADB Mouse Hack – a photoset on Flickr

Only …on anything but a Mac, a one-button mouse is pretty darn useless… :-)

Now, when there really is going to be an X86-version of OS X (well, there is of course, for the development kit), but I mean one running on my PC, I think this might me the mouse to match that setup :-)

Euhm, with a blue led of course…

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