12 June 2005, 01:45 by mark hoekstra


I spent my time in high school mainly in the back off the classroom, reading classic (& thoroughbred) car magazines… (You’d think I was modding calculators, weren’t you? ;-))

Anyway, when my friend Rutger started this “What if you we’re in MTV Cribs… which eight cars would be parked outside?” I knew I could come up with something, I hadn’t thought about this in ages, but finally I could do something with all this (ahum) knowledge(...) about cars.

I’ve taken the liberty to make it a “if you win the lottery ten times in a row, which eight cars would be parked outside inside a climat-controlled garage?”-hypothetical question… but here they are…

clicking this beauty takes you to the cars

Feel free to drop your cars in the comments :-)

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11 June 2005, 13:02 by mark hoekstra

Homebrew CPU

It looks like the /.-ing of this site is over, next to that, they’ve been wise enough not to let this homebrew-CPU handle all the traffic :-)

Homebrew CPU – Overview

It’s very impressive… to say the least… and what does a guy do, who has such skills? ...He builds this kitchen-timer for his wife… :-)

which comes with an excellent instruction-video! (7.1MB, .wmv)

”...let’s say you want to time something for 6.5 seconds…”

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11 June 2005, 02:34 by mark hoekstra

What will not make it into Longhorn today?

Does it matter what they canceled out of Longhorn this time?

> Maybe MS could just make it easier by letting us know what actually will make it into Longhorn…

>>The usual… trojans, worms, clippy…

>>>My understanding is that Longhorn is no longer in Longhorn.

image found through Starlake Chronicle

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11 June 2005, 01:32 by mark hoekstra

Make: ...what the ???

The first magazine devoted to digital projects, hardware hacks, and D.I.Y. inspiration.

I mean like, what the fsck are they thinking? ;-)

Thanks Roef!

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9 June 2005, 21:23 by mark hoekstra

Nerds make better lovers

Ready for a real relationship? Ditch the
pretty boys and grab yourself a geek

Huh? Who put that on my blog? ;-)

Nerds make better lovers

via (nice comments…)

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8 June 2005, 18:45 by mark hoekstra

IBM Keyboards

Every once in a while I come across this great piece on the IBM-keyboard (don’t even dare asking how/why I come across articles about keyboards…). The article is from 1999 and now the writer has written a new piece on the same keyboard!

I have a couple of these IBM-keyboards too, I just can’t resist so much engineering-excellence for $ 0,50 when I see it for sale somewhere, even though I already have a couple… (it only took 4 IBM-keyboards which have detachable keys, to make the top-logo of this site, so now you know…) :-)

But… I never knew there was a black one! Geez, I guess this rockets to number one on my imaginary wannahave-list, it would make a killer-combination with a 23” Mac Cinemadisplay, don’t you think? :-)

IBM Keyboards – The Odyssey Continues


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7 June 2005, 23:30 by mark hoekstra


Well, so you heard I guess… Mac is going to switch to Intel-processors… I do like this, just for personal reasons. I like to fiddle with old Macs, just because they’re too much fun and there’s lots to be learned from them. (Just the sheer genious of a System Six Mac Classic is hard to beat, still…). But I never bought a new Mac, just as I never buy a new PC, I buy parts :-)

So, from that point of view I’m glad OS X is coming to Intel and very glad I decided to keep 2 Xeon 2.4/533 CPU’s in my big hardware-trade also including my new (also dual Xeon) webserver... :-)

So, first thoughts? I’m gonna build a dual Xeon workstation on an Asus NCCH-DL-motherboard, the CPU’s I have (SL73L, M0-stepping), seem to be excellent overclockers... As an OS, I’m gonna try OS X for sure, otherwise it’s gonna be Gentoo+Gnome, just as I’m used to.

And from an aesthetic point-of-view… my original idea of modding a NeXT-cube will transcend into building a cube from scratch (how hard can a big black cube be?) and complement it with a nice 23” Cinemadisplay (or 2×30” if I win the lottery…)

That could be one heck of a workstation if you ask me :-)

And then… I almost forgot Quicktime 7 for the PeeCee/Windows was introduced… So, I was eager to download it and finally download a trailer from the HD Gallery... But... the first thing I did was click a 720p-trailer and see it stutter all over the place… Hmmmz… then, take a look at the system-requirements:

Waaah! So, on my 2.0GHz XP2800+ Media Center, I’m limited to… 480p-media… not bad, but still… Hopefully I’m able to run 1080p-trailers on a dual Xeon on OS X and a Cinemadisplay… Just because I wanna wet my pants… ;-)

...allright… and do we need to discuss this? How about MS? Well, they’re gonna have a real strong contender for OS X on the PC…

Yeah right! Next joke please… ;-)

Allright, one last thing on this subject for now

Dvorak Says Apple Move to Intel Will Harm Linux

I guess it holds a lot of truth, I for instance will choose to use OS X on my desktop if I can. OS X has a BSD-core and a terminal… a Mac-desktop on cheap&fast PC-hardware and Unix-servers in our datacenters… looks nice to me…(I was hoping on Apple open-sourcing the Aqua-desktop one day, so I would be able to use it on top of Linux, but this is allright with me too…)

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7 June 2005, 19:09 by mark hoekstra

are we there?

Hello world! it seems my DNS-trouble is over, my domainname is back and we’re up&running again…

So, what happened?

This domain expired june 3rd and after an attempt to renew the domain with, what now seems, an expired credit-card, all things came to a halt… So, it took a while before it was clear what the problem was and was fixed, but we’re back!

Since the server and the ‘real’ address of this site were reachable, quite a few of the links to this site kept working, luckily. :-)

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4 June 2005, 14:20 by mark hoekstra

Apple to use Intel?

even though this website will be unreachable for a great part this weekend… I act if I just don’t care! :-)

According to CNet, Apple plans to announce Monday that it’s scrapping its partnership with IBM and switching its computers to Intel’s microprocessors…

Well, I must have a visionary ipod then…


It’s known OS X will run on anything, including x86, but will they allow it? It would mean OS X would also run on your everyday budget beige box you dare to call a workstation :-)

From the /.-comments:
you know the world is coming to an end when the best golfer is black, the best rapper is white, apple goes to x86 and microsoft goes powerpc.

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4 June 2005, 13:29 by mark hoekstra

a glitch...

Well, there seems to be a DNS-problem with this domainname… It expired yesterday (geektechnique is already 2 years old!) but it’s also renewed, but somehow all DNS-entries in worldwide DNS-servers have vanished… Hmmmmmzzz… And my mail gets bounced too (PERM_FAILURE: DNS Error: Domain name not found)


Not much to do, except have a very relaxed weekend without mail ;-)

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