2 October 2005, 15:26 by mark hoekstra

what is Web 2.0?

This article is an attempt to clarify just what we mean by Web 2.0.

In our initial brainstorming, we formulated our sense of Web 2.0 by example:

Web 1.0   Web 2.0
DoubleClick —> Google AdSense
Ofoto —> Flickr
Akamai —> BitTorrent
mp3.com —> Napster
Britannica Online —> Wikipedia
personal websites —> blogging
evite —> upcoming.org and EVDB
domain name speculation —> search engine optimization
page views —> cost per click
screen scraping —> web services
publishing —> participation
content management systems —> wikis
directories (taxonomy) —> tagging (“folksonomy”)
stickiness —> syndication

The list went on and on. But what was it that made us identify one application or approach as “Web 1.0” and another as “Web 2.0”?

imho one brilliant article to read on a sunday-afternoon :-)

Tim O’Reilly on What is Web 2.0

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2 October 2005, 03:27 by mark hoekstra

Apple marketing VP concerned about OSx86

click the image to go to the video (google video)
this ‘piece’ is at 2:54

Phil Schiller: “Who knows what the future holds? Who knows what people will do?”

This already is quite an old video from the WWDC2005 held on june 6-10 2005. Still, imho it’s a nice video (courtesy of Apple?) :-)


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2 October 2005, 02:58 by mark hoekstra

microsoft's midlife crisis

The software titan is balky and bureaucratic. Its huge profits rely on its oldest stuff. Steve Ballmer, whatcha gonna do?

Give us time, Ballmer says. “You could say 1995 to 2000 was about us winning on the desktop. Then 2000 to 2005 we won and drove the server market. And the next five years is all about driving and winning the Web,” he says.

Can someone please tell this man… uuh, never mind ;-)

Some reality:

The company relies on Windows and a suite of desktop applications, products released a decade ago, for 80% of sales and 140% of profits. Newer products, the Xbox videogame machine, the MSN online service, the wireless and small-business software, collectively have racked up $7 billion in losses in four years.

In Web-server software, Microsoft has 20% of the fast-growing market, while the free Apache program, a Linux variant, has 70%, worth $6 billion in revenue had Microsoft gotten the sales. In search, Google and Yahoo get 70% of queries while MSN gets only 13%. Google now gives away features (desktop search, photo archiving) that Microsoft promises in its next upgrade of Windows—which is running two years late.

forbes.com – microsoft’s midlife crisis


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2 October 2005, 02:16 by mark hoekstra

Quake IV will be released for Linux

Timothee ‘TTimo’ Besset from id Software confirmed officially that the next sequel of the Quake series, Quake IV will be released for the Linux platform.
The dedicated server will be released around the same time as the Windows version. The linux client, might be delayed a week or two. Quake4 will use the Simple Direct Media Layer (SDL) backend for input and OpenGL on Linux. The low level sys code for Linux had been needing a good rewrite for several years, so it made sense to use SDL now.

read it on: linux-gamers.net


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30 September 2005, 13:44 by mark hoekstra

cracked LCD

Wass ist passiert? (What happened!?!?)

Well, nothing actually…

Dass ist mein neuer bildschirmhintergrund! :D

at fontblog.de they experienced a cracked LCD and thought it would make an awesome wallpaper… I think so too

I mirrored the bildschirmhintergrunden bildschirmhintergründe (^_^) here:

Bildschirmhintergrund (wallpaper)
Cracked Screen downloaden:

1440 × 900 Pixel
1152 × 720 Pixel
1024 × 768 Pixel
1024 × 640 Pixel
800 × 600 Pixel

fontblog gecrashed


UPDATE Can someone please tell me how they got here? Today, July 8th 2007, I find 1000+ 4000+ visitors, all through Google Images looking for a ‘cracked LCD screen’, has this been in some podcast or something? (since people come here with 10+ different queries and such…) I’m just curious, please let me know.

UPDATE 2 Aaaaah… so I get all these visitors because of this... Well, prank away! ^_^

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30 September 2005, 12:49 by mark hoekstra

buy OSx86 retail... in Bangkok

click to go to the osx86project.org-post

...of course, even when you happen to be in Bangkok and buy this… this is theft and according to Steve J. “Theft is bad”, he said, warning: “You don’t want to burn in Hell.”


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30 September 2005, 12:48 by mark hoekstra

early AJAX office applications

Did you know there was AJAX word processor, AJAX spreadsheet, AJAX calendar, AJAX presentation-building software, AJAX e-mail client, AJAX note-taking software and some other interesting applications, which, deployed on your local server, do not need installation and “just work” in a browser window?”

Early AJAX Office Applications (/.)

...sounds to me the stuff Google needs (or probably already is working on themselves) to make their personalized home our next desktop :D

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27 September 2005, 23:09 by mark hoekstra

How-to build a telephone recording circuit...

...from an old modem

Make sure you don’t miss Fabienne’s latest How-to over at engadget :-)

How-To build a telephone recording circuit from an old modem

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

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27 September 2005, 20:08 by mark hoekstra

google turns 7 and is here to stay!

I mean, geez… Google turns 7 today and here they are with this Personalized Home...

I’ve been fiddlin’ with it for a short while now and I’m in total awe… especially for the rss-reader-funtionality (through create a section)...

But my real awe is for the possibilities/consequences this can have… I mean, OS X has dashboard, Google has now this Personalized Home and MS? Does it even matter what they come up with around Christmas 2006 (yes, 2006! that’s more than a year ahead…) ...indeed, I don’t think so either… :-)

...I knew I had some pictures of old google hardware somewhere…

found them!

...and yes, that’s a SCSI-disk cabinet made out of LEGO… :-)

I found this old page through the wayback-machine and thought it was worth saving… so now I mirror it here

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26 September 2005, 01:29 by mark hoekstra

How-to hand crank power your ipod...

click to go to the corresponding project-page

Yes, next to keeping my server up, this is what I’ve been doing this weekend… :-)

How to hand crank power your ipod…

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