13 October 2005, 20:36 by mark hoekstra

getting ready for EuroOSCON...

It looks like the guys over at O’Reilly Radar are getting ready & hyped up for the conference in general and more specifically, in this post, the Maker Faire.

It’s a fabulous selection of hackers, from open source to opened cases, all the way through to crafting. This is going to rock!

I think so too! I hardly can wait to go there, from now till sunday I’ll be finishing the projects I bring/present and from mondaymorning on I’ll be attending the conference. If you happen to be around, come drop by and say “hi” at the Maker Faire in the Krasnapolsky Hotel in Amsterdam, Wednesdaynight the 19th of October, Volmers Room I, II, III

click to enlarge

...pre-conference project finishing in progress…

If you happen to see someone with a green ibook... it’s a dead give-away it’s me :-)

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12 October 2005, 23:03 by mark hoekstra

Videogame Aesthetics: We're All Going to Die!

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Depending on your point of view, photo-realism is either a scourge or a grail. The drive for it has come to dominate the visual aesthetics of videogames, and current technology seems to be pushing us very close to a peak. Limited markets and rising development costs, however, seem to indicate a gaping abyss. So will photo-real games be well crafted marvels of technology, or feats of economic hubris infused with mediocre gameplay? Will they be the ferryman to conduct yet more development studios across the Styx?

Read it all in Videogame Aesthetics: We’re All Going to Die! by David Hayward


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12 October 2005, 01:03 by mark hoekstra

How-to make a railgun

...not exactly a how-to, although it does come close :-)

Anyways, I was looking for ways to discharge a capacitor and came through this at this page…

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Powerlabs new railgun!

...and we all know what a railgun is, since we all play Quake, now don’t we? :-)

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Quake 4 will have a railgun too! :-)


the real thing 10MB .mpg
Q4 railgun 12MB .wmv

If these get leeched in a big way, I’ll have to take them down…

Don’t forget to visit powerlabs itself, there’s a lot more going on there! :-)

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9 October 2005, 18:36 by mark hoekstra

all busy and no updates...

...what’s up with that?!

Well… this was how my kitchentable looked yesterday-evening…

click to enlarge

full of projects and now it’s empty, so what’s it all about?


I fixed the MD-player… it belongs to a friend of mine and she asked nicely if I could take a look why it wouldn’t work. So I did, and it turned out the mechanism to keep it closed (unless you push the open-button) got a little stuck and a little switch didn’t get switched that way, so it refused to play…

click to enlarge

Then, what’s up with the Sun & the Apple? Well… the Apple is a serial terminal to the Sun, since that machine doesn’t have a videocard. Normally, this setup is in my closet, acting as a transparent bridge, but I took it out since I bought this awesome networkcard for my Sun,

click to enlarge

a true quad happy meal, (that’s 4×100mbit) for which I have some plans, but I won’t tell yet what I’m gonna do with it. I’ll document the whole project, but this weekend it was Sun-refurbishment-time and check if this card was allright…

(if you wonder what Sun refurbishment means (over at my place)... it’s nothing more than getting the CPU-fan out, giving it a little oil and tada! fixed for another year or such… oh, I did install OpenBSD 3.7 on there, fresh, and put it back into my closet, so I can start this project whenever I have time for it …oh, and this quad-nic works! yay!)

And then.. the camera, why was it in pieces on my kitchentable? Also here I won’t go into details, partly because I haven’t written the How-to yet and I want to take it with me to the Maker Faire and not publish it before :-)

But… a trained eye will be able to spot what I did here…

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

So, am I finished for this weekend? I’m afraid not… my ibook keyboard-repair is acting up, not the cleaning of course, but the part where I repaired the film-contact… so… I’ll have to take a look at that.. although… maybe I should be doing that later this week or such… cause all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy :-)

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7 October 2005, 13:48 by mark hoekstra

bathrobe - geek chique

(regular readers of this site must figure I’ve gone mad by now … I mean, socks, bathrobes, WTF!?)

After a hectic weekend last july (translated page) when the original Nieuwe-Garde-server went down and we placed my server in a datacenter here in town (translated page), Lykle of Nieuwe Garde (translated page) figured the tile alone wasn’t enough anymore and he thought I should be nominated with a ‘Nieuwe Garde Webkoning’-bathrobe…

...and guess what, he/they held promise!

So, here I am, with this geek-chique bathrobe!

click to enlarge

...waking up behind the computer… :D

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...and a close-up of the awesome print

So, guys, to all of you… thank you!

BTW, those translated pages aren’t really very well translated… :D

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5 October 2005, 22:54 by mark hoekstra

identity 2.0

Since the online world moves towards Web 2.0, the concept of digital identity is evolving, and existing identity systems are falling behind. New systems are emerging that place identity in the hands of users instead of directories. Simple, secure and open, these systems will provide the scalable, user-centric mechanism for authenticating and managing real-world identities online, enabling truly distinct and portable Internet identities.

click to go to the video(in all flavours)

wow… this is brilliant 2.0 highly recommended (and what an awesome presentation-style!)


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5 October 2005, 22:15 by mark hoekstra

basic hip digital oddio

click to go to basic hip

We collect records from the fifties and sixties, focusing on pop instrumentals, soundtracks and incredibly strange music. We hope you enjoy your visit!



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5 October 2005, 00:38 by mark hoekstra

20 congressjerks who want the Broadcast Flag

...give ‘em a call and give ‘em what for

Even though I’m in Europe, I really like this

Twenty suicidal congresscritters are calling for the speedy adoption of a broadcast flag, trying to unmake the work that the courts did this past May when they killed the initiative.


Is your congressjerk on the list below? Give her or him a call, and let it be known that elected lawmakers who break their constituents’ televisions don’t get re-elected.


now it’s got phone numbers and URLs for each of the lawmakers who are selling us out to the entertainment cartel.


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4 October 2005, 00:31 by mark hoekstra

plasma wallpaper

...or LCD …or CRT

click the image to go to Detour DVD

Detour DVD has three collections of motion graphics available on DVD designed to liven up that empty space, so your party guests won’t end up watching Friends instead of mingling.


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2 October 2005, 17:06 by mark hoekstra

EuroOSCON: Maker Faire

If you’re in Europe Oct 17-20 join the MAKE Faire at EuroOSCON in Amsterdam…

Maker Faire

Date: Wednesday, 19 October 2005
Time: 19:30 – 21:30
Location: Volmers Room I, II, III
Krasnapolsky Hotel Amsterdam

There will be tons of interesting stuff and I’m totally delighted to be there with some of my own projects :-)

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