24 October 2005, 22:51 by mark hoekstra

news flash: ROKR may “flop”

...according to engadget the ROKR may “flop”

Well, that doesn’t surprise me… I, for instance, really don’t want one… not in a long way, do you?... ;-)

it seems that the ROKR, and not the nano, will be looked back on as the product that got “screwed” in the marketplace

imho, perhaps instead of this:

it should’ve looked like this:

clicking the image brings you a larger version

I blogged about these fictitious apples before…



News Flash: ROKR not a flop?

whatever it is, I don’t like it ;-)

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24 October 2005, 01:48 by mark hoekstra

how-to turn a digital camera into an IR-camera

Actually, this is a project I finished just before The Make Faire. I showed it at the Faire and now you can see it here too! :-)

I know it has been done before, actually, the Infra Red Webcam How-to was my basis in this one. The whole idea is just that a lot of people probably have old cameras laying around, collecting dust, so why not make one of your old cameras an infrared one? :-)

click to go to the corresponding project-page

click to go to the corresponding project-page

how-to turn your digital camera into an IR-camera (the project-page)

If you have any ideas/suggestions or comments, please post them at the project-page


Allright, so it’s quite popular :D


...and have a look at my rss-feeds in my Google Personal Home this morning…

click to enlarge

How many infrared cameras is that? ;-)

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23 October 2005, 12:35 by mark hoekstra

back home

Last night I came back home… so I’ve been on the road for a cool 6.5 days. It’s been a marvelous week, met old friends, made new friends :D

click to enlarge

Now comes the part where I have to adapt myself to everyday life again… hmmmmz… ;-)

Oh, on my way back I visited an old friend in Utrecht and experimented with a little wardriving(minus the driving, what do you call this?...)

click to enlarge

...and yes… that’s a routerconfig :D

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22 October 2005, 20:10 by mark hoekstra

The Andy Face

Something I picked up at BarCamp Amsterdam, The Andy Face :-)

click to view flickr-tag ‘theandyface’

On the picture you can see Andy (of Flock), making The Andy Face (now that figures, doesn’t it?), pic taken at BarCamp Amsterdam.

I’ve got some pics of BarCamp Amsterdam overhere (geez I feel obsolete, still using gallery-software instead of Flickr, but that’ll change soon) :-)

Now let’s all make The Andy Face famous!

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21 October 2005, 02:05 by mark hoekstra

BarCamp Amsterdam

I just got to BarCamp Amsterdam to check it out and see what it’s all about and it looks pretty cool! So, I’m gonna catch some sleep (on a couch this time, that’s something else than the Kras where I spent last night, but hey, I’m still in Amsterdam) and gonna go there first thing in the morning :-)

click to enlarge

I started a new gallery for the BarCamp, you can find it here, expect some more pics to roll in tomorrow during the day… (update: I left on friday at 22.00 and I’m not sure how long they’re continuing) :-)

barcamp-link at mediamatic

a little wrap-up:
EuroOSCON pics here
BarCamp pics here
Maker Faire pics here (at MAKE:blog)

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20 October 2005, 21:24 by mark hoekstra

the Maker Faire was great!

...and the conference as a whole was great! It all just finished but I have a great feeling about the last couple of days, it’s been great (or did I already say that?). I’m going to see if I can attend the Barcamp Amsterdam for a few hours at least, so it’s not over quite yet… ;-)

I didn’t get to take a lot of pictures of the Faire itself though, since it was busy! So I hope I can get my hands on somebody elses pics of the Faire…

These are the only shots I have

click to enlarge

click to enlarge


MAKE:blog posted pics of the Make Faire pics here :-)

don’t look for me, go look for fabienne instead, she’s much more photogenic than I am ;-)

BTW, I keep updating my EuroOSCON gallery

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19 October 2005, 01:11 by mark hoekstra

getting ready for the Maker Faire...

I just checked if everything I brought to Amsterdam actually works :-)

click to enlarge

...and repaired a friend’s computer while I was at it :d (you don’t want to know how much tools I brought, I can just start repairing about everything I guess)

So, tomorrow, october 19th, there’s the Maker Faire, at the Krasnapolsky Hotel, Volmers Room I-III, 19.30-21.30 be there or be, well, somewhere else…

BTW, I keep updating my EuroOSCON gallery

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19 October 2005, 00:24 by mark hoekstra


Collection inspirées des films cultes de Russ Meyer

by François Coorens

great stuff!

click to enlarge

Collection SuperVixen


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18 October 2005, 01:04 by mark hoekstra

...even more DIY railguns

While I posted only a couple of days ago about a DIY railgun, here’s another!

click to go to the actual page


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17 October 2005, 14:14 by mark hoekstra

EuroOSCON, we're off!

Ha! I’m arrived at the EuroOSCON early this morning and enjoying myself. Totally to my surprise, my Belkin F5D7050 started to work, while I couldn’t get it to work at home, for some reason… (that’s also how I’m able to post this :-))

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

...they said hands on tutorial... well, I guess this is pretty much hands on! man! I need to work out here! ;-)

click to enlarge

...a quick break and here you also see the winner of the day, the Belkin-stick that all of sudden works like a dream! yay! (better yet, on a ‘normal’ airport enabled ibook you see only one network, OSCON, and then you have to pray if it works or not… I see every separate AP, so if one doesn’t work, another one does…)

Oh, and this is the location, The Krasnapolsky Hotel situated at the Dam Square (recognizable by that well, euhm, recognizable statue…). Anyways, you can’t get much closer to the center of Amsterdam (since the Dam Square pretty much is the center of Amsterdam…)

click to enlarge

So… it all looks like it’s going to be a splendid week, fun people, nice subjects and of course, the Maker Faire on wednesday :-)

I’ll keep you posted! ;-)

(I’ll be putting pics in the EuroOSCON gallery whenever I find the time & connectivity somewhere ;-))

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