1 November 2005, 21:20 by mark hoekstra

20 goto 10

Well, see for yourself, this interface rocks! (I’d want it, if it was a proper *nix commandline ;-))


From the comments (thanks Ronald!):


yummy! a proper commandline! yay!

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1 November 2005, 01:39 by mark hoekstra

software update blues

Sometimes, things happen that are just, I don’t know, bound to happen or such… like synchronous cross platform software updates…

Tonight my media center started bugging me that my evaluation period had ended and that it would self-destruct in 1 hour (or such, didn’t read it very carefully)... hmmmz… (I’m entitled to use the evaluation version btw)... well, somewhere in my mailbox I do have some mails concerning major updates for windows MCE2005, so… a very good reason to start a fresh install, don’t you think? So I did…

While I was installing I surfed a little on my ibook on my kitchentable (lately, that’s where all the action is…) and guess what I came across?

click to enlarge

OS X 10.4.3. is available for download! yay!

click to enlarge

So here you have ‘m both… my ibook downloading the 10.4.3-update and in the background you can see the tiny screen of my media center, downloading 40(!) updates…

So, how did this exciting story end?


click to enlarge

...after first hanging(!) at trying to install one of the 40 updates (and again and again and…) it eventually ended in this… I mean, come on! I didn’t install anything on that box yet… a fresh install and some updates…

and the 2nd time it did it again… a complete fresh install and only installing the recommended 29 security-updates… boom! kernel32.dll-issue… no way around it, not even in safe mode… (and which genius came up with ‘automatic restart on system failure’? OMFG)

well.. luckily at my kitchentable things started to look better…

click to enlarge

tada! ;-) (and yes, that’s an old ibook, but it still goes like stonk!)

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30 October 2005, 12:13 by mark hoekstra


This is also something I picked up at BarCamp Amsterdam

click to go to the BarCamp gallery

Plazes is a grassroot approach to location-aware interaction, using the local network you are connected to as location reference. Plazes allows you to share you location with the people you know and to discover people and plazes around you. It’s the navigation system for your social life and it’s absolutely free.


plazes, what is


click to enlarge

...and I’ve now installed a Plazes Launcher on my workstation and on my ibook… So, from now on (and if I feel like it), you can track my whereabouts…

where is mark hoekstra

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29 October 2005, 23:25 by mark hoekstra


Now doesn’t this look nice? Oeh!

click to enlarge

TileToy is a modular, electronic game prototype for tangible LED game tiles. TileToy brings the flexibility inherent in digital software to a physical tile that people can touch and interact with. By arranging the electronic tiles, players can engage themselves in various kinds of game play, ranging from fast-paced arcade style games to puzzle an learning games.

TileToy Press Material
TileToy Blog


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29 October 2005, 23:08 by mark hoekstra

Control Freaks: Modding and the Clash with Law

Modding is childish and eccentric and deeply serious. People are investing major chunks of disposable income and untold hours in modding. It’s one of the fastest up-and-coming social trends in the United States.

Modding, briefly, is the creative alteration of devices and systems, real and virtual.

just seemed an appropriate image… ;-)

Control Freaks: Modding and the Clash with Law (O’Reilly Network)

Euhm… allright… ;-)

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28 October 2005, 00:25 by mark hoekstra

ibook keyboard blues


How I went from this:

click to go to the projectpage

via this:

click to go to the projectpage

to this…
(there’s a ‘DIY Das iBook Keyboard’ inside the ‘article’)

click to go to the projectpage

ibook keyboard blues (the projectpage)


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27 October 2005, 01:55 by mark hoekstra


I’m not quite sure how this ended up in my bookmarks, but I love it, lots of interesting content (imho of course) and next to that, it’s a stylish looking site too (still quite rare among tech-sites I guess although more and more tech-sites start to look good :-) )

Check the features for instance

I’d say, give it a go!

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26 October 2005, 02:12 by mark hoekstra


First I thought a setup of two Apple 30” Cinemadisplays would be the ultimate in display-satisfaction (if you’re lucky enough to have such a setup… (not me))

But get a load of this:

GRAVITY Research: HIPerWall

no less than 50(!) Apple 30” Cinema-displays joined together to make the world’s highest-resolution grid-based display for visualizing and manipulating massive data sets.

click to go to the HIPerWall-website

“Now, where did my mousepointer go?”

found some more pictures


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25 October 2005, 13:38 by mark hoekstra

how much is your blog worth?

We here at Technorati think that all your blogs are priceless. But when Weblogs Inc. was bought by AOL a few weeks ago, Tristan Louis did the math. He figured out how much each blog in the Weblogs Inc. stable was worth, based on their Technorati rank.

Inspired, Dane Carlson whipped up a handy little calculator with the Technorati API. Just enter your blog URL to see how much it’s “worth” using the Weblogs/AOL math. Give it a try!

link to this blogpost at the Technorati Blog

Your blog, geektechnique.org, is worth $33,307.86

My blog is worth $33,307.86.
How much is your blog worth?

I mean like, WTF? :-) That’s even more than Engadget! (euhm, the Simplified Chinese-version that is…) according to this calculation

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25 October 2005, 01:56 by mark hoekstra

power boosts for future gadgets

Power generation is one of the big challenges facing not only the consumer electronics industry, as people do more with their devices, but also the military and scientific research. ...

link (news.bbc.co.uk)

Hmmmz… now let me think… ;-)


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