25 September 2005, 21:23 by mark hoekstra

IKEA meets The Matrix

This online catalog looks the business, using bullet time


found using stamen: vox delicii

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25 September 2005, 14:51 by mark hoekstra


I posted some of [Nullpointer]’s work before and it seems this artist continues to work on game modification.

click to enlarge

The project is based on the expanding cultural practice of game modification and the increasing presence of cctv and mass observation technologies. In CCTEX a level from ‘Counter Strike’ (a popular counter-terrorism mod) is re-mapped to offer the user an warped experience of covert surveillance.



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25 September 2005, 13:37 by mark hoekstra

the annoying thing

It seems the annoying thing is the original name of the Crazy Frog, so there’s no misunderstanding it’s annoying and meant to be…

But it’s not only the ringtone itself that’s annoying I guess, but also the practices on how they try to sell this thing (and others)... This really is TV-spam, annoying the sh*t out of everybody, but somehow there are still people buying this crap (probably youngsters) and after your mistake of ordering one such a ringtone, they give you a hard time getting rid of your ‘subscription’... these are mob-practices for sure…

But it starts to look like there’s change ahead…

Jamster gets slammed in UK ruling
Jamster gets sued for false advertising
Jamster slammed for mobile selling practices

Somehow I really don’t get the networks airing these commercials… sure, it’ll be a money-thing, but I, for instance have reduced my time watching MTV enormously… Simply because after about 30 minutes to an hour I’m totally fed up with these Jamba/Jamster commercials… So… It’ll be easy money for MTV (in this case), but they lost me as a viewer for a great deal, and I get the impression I’m not the only one

...and what does MTV do?

MTV Networks International and Jamster! to Jointly Invest in Mobile Entertainment Research Internationally


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24 September 2005, 18:21 by mark hoekstra

more downtime

Well, my bike over at the colo on a saturday-morning can only mean one thing:

click to enlarge

Bad news!

So, this morning I woke up and my server was down, again! grrrmmmbblll

click to enlarge

...but, this time I got a message on the console and I took appropriate actions (I guess)... So let’s hope it’s all over now :-) (...and I’m oh so glad it isn’t some hardware-failure, cause, to be honest, I’m near broke so just going out and buying some spare stuff is out of the question :-))

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23 September 2005, 14:31 by mark hoekstra

living with a rabbit

Well, this looks nice… a rabbit with built-in WiFi which you can program what it does for you… checking your email, giving you weather-forecasts and such… you can also interconnect two of these and when you move the ears of one nabaztag the other one (where ever in the world) moves accordingly…

“I’m a newborn bunny, one of a unique species of intelligent, smart objects. I’m 23 cm tall, I wriggle my ears, I sing, I talk and my body lights up and pulsates with hundreds of colours.”

You can configure it through some website as it seems, but at this moment I can’t figure out what kind of embedded system is running on this rabbit. I really hope it’s all open for development and such, then these are fun objects to have I guess…


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22 September 2005, 23:49 by mark hoekstra

keyboard bag

This must be the ultimate geekgrrl-fashionvictim-accessory, I guess…

clicking the bag brings you a bigger version

more awesome work of this designer, João Sabino, here

via -> via

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20 September 2005, 22:26 by mark hoekstra

future flatpack classics

I’m still waiting for the day I can afford ze real Mies van der Rohe Barcelona Chair, but maybe this is a much better idea:

“The winning concept took examples of ‘classic’ 20th Century furniture design and rendered them in an illustrative style on laminated 2D surfaces”
bloomberg installation

more here


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20 September 2005, 04:10 by mark hoekstra


Hmmmmz… and then all of a sudden my site went down… hard!

So, there I am, in the datacenter in the middle of the night wondering what the funk went wrong!

...talking about funk, let’s play some! (yes, this is a shameless plug of my iPod sock and I shouldn’t be doing this, I know ;-) )

After some fiddlin’ it all started to work again! bad ass magic (well… to be honest… I need some time to figure out what really happened…)

first, let’s bike back home and get some sleep!

Oh! how could I forget? Another shameless plug of my iPod sock! here we go!

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19 September 2005, 21:35 by mark hoekstra

Mad Max Interceptor on Ebay

Well, with this you simply must be the cool king on the block, the original Interceptor from the 1st Mad Max-movie is for sale! (and it hasn’t been sold?)

It really seems it’s the real thing and not a replica (which wouldn’t be near as cool)

And here’s a screenshot from the movie (the auctioneer doesn’t tell if those clothes also come with the car btw)

more info:
behind the real Mad Max-cars


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18 September 2005, 02:15 by mark hoekstra

robots made of bike parts

The blogpost over at core77 seems to be the only thing I can find on these robots, but boy, do they look nice!

design by Shovel Head craft factory

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