28 July 2005, 02:46 by mark hoekstra


I found this to be very funny…

...drawings on rubbish

click the picture for a larger version

more here


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26 July 2005, 20:10 by mark hoekstra

ibook finished! (well, sort of...)


click the picture for a larger version

click the picture for a larger version

click the picture for a larger version

Well, I’ve got very little time at this moment to post a full making of…, but this is it! The finished ibook :-) I can assure you multiple things went wrong in the process getting it to this stage… but more details on that later…

Anyways, I wanted a unique ibook to take to WhatTheHack (I leave thursday) and I think I succeeded in that :-)

click the picture for a larger version

this geek in his natural habitat…

Please tell me what you think of the ibook.

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25 July 2005, 01:02 by mark hoekstra

Ah! so that's how it's done!

click the picture to go the site

“This amazing new record album will soon have you picking up girls automatically

“Have you ever been to a museum on a saturday or sunday-afternoon? Well you should check one out! Museums are jammed with chicks standing around, looking at art! Girls like art! It appeals to their fantasies, maybe that’s why girls who hang out in museums are such perfect pick-up targets.”

Hyde Park Records – Picking up girls made easy

There’s a massive & hilarious 45 min. MP3 on their site, otherwise, I’ve got it here

I should put this on my iPod… :-)

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24 July 2005, 16:20 by mark hoekstra


When I’m completely finished, I’ll put all of this on a nice projectpage, but for now, I thought I put some pics online already…

click the picture for a larger version

This is how transparant it gets after rubbing it with a lot of alcohol :-)

click the picture for a larger version

...my shower last night after spraying it with several layers of paint…

click the picture for a larger version

...the end-result. Somehow on the pics, the green doesn’t look even, but that has to do with all the minor scratching & such this case has(I guess)... With the naked eye it’s a solid green.

click the picture for a larger version

...the white paint I put behind the green to make it solid instead of transparant…

click the picture for a larger version

And guess what? I decided to start on the backside as well! :-)

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23 July 2005, 18:46 by mark hoekstra


Well… I’m still on schedule with my little 12” ibook… yesterday I managed (after a lot of hassle) to install Tiger on my ibook-without-DVD…

click the picture for a larger version

...in the end by restoring the Tiger-DVD to my ipod and use that as a firewire startup-disk! (In the following picture you can also see my USB-drive which I’ve taken apart, to be able to connect a DVD-drive, to make it a DVD-USB-drive… it works brilliantly, only the ibook doesn’t want to boot from it)

click the picture for a larger version

When I finally found & used that trick, it was a breeze and to me, Tiger is completely workable on this G3/600 with 384MB…

And then some… I decided on a color! Fluorescent green it’s gonna be! I decided to ditch my plans to paint it gold and go for green. The idea was to get as close as possible to the green used in Apple-advertisements, but somehow, when I was in the paintshop (which is across the road of their Apple-store) and held the Apple-green next to the different spraypaints, I somehow found the spraypaint to be too brave, not what I was looking for… and then I saw this fluorescent green and that it’s gonna be! I got warned that it could be a little transparant and not in a way which is beautiful, so to make sure it’s gonna be solid I already got white spraypaint to spray behind it…

click the picture for a larger version

Oh and since I have two cans of gold spraypaint left… I guess I’m gonna send’em to this guy :-)

...to be continued… ;-)

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22 July 2005, 21:58 by mark hoekstra

modified Q-Q-QuakeIII-engine...

modifying QuakeIII-engines seems to be the hottest thing :-)

There already was DEVMAP and now there’s QQQ

The artist, Nullpointer, has modded the Quake III engine so that it renders out crazy, haunting, beautiful high-speed graphics instead of levels. Sometimes he gets people to play public games of Q3 on an Internet-connected server and renders out their movements in the QQQ engine at his gallery installations. The videos are just wild.

clicking the image brings you to Nullpointers page

Make sure you check out the pictures & videos

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22 July 2005, 17:19 by mark hoekstra

Near Science

These are MIT-students which made a program called SCIgen – An Automatic CS Paper Generator

SCIgen is a program that generates random Computer Science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations. It uses a hand-written context-free grammar to form all elements of the papers. Our aim here is to maximize amusement, rather than coherence.

...and it’s so good in producing randomly generated(!) papers, some of them get accepted for conferences! LOL

Now, these guys went to the WMSCI2005 and held a technical session, presenting 3 randomly generated papers and videotaped the whole thing… :-)

Download the video here

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22 July 2005, 00:02 by mark hoekstra


Now it’s certain! I’m going to What The Hack! next week :-)

I needed to sell some hardware to raise the funds to be able to go there, but I just managed to do that, so expect me around!

You can find me in BSD-village :-) I’m just one of the OpenBSD-users invading What The Hack 2005

If all goes well, I have my ibook modded before I go to WhatTheHack :-)

click the pic to get a larger version
this is a current snapshot in my modding plans…

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19 July 2005, 00:56 by mark hoekstra

...now, talking about keyboards...

This has been on all the big sites already… but count me in as a person who wants this keyboard badly whenever (if ever) it’s going to market…

click the pic to go to the Optimus-keyboard site

The idea is simple yet great… put an OLED in every key, so you can change the layout according to what you are doing at that moment…

click the pic to go to the Optimus-keyboard site

Now, I wonder… does this keyboard come with a ‘keyboard-saver’? (think screensaver & tickertape & disco dancefloor or such ;-))

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19 July 2005, 00:17 by mark hoekstra

Zen & the art of keyboard maintenance

Ha! I puzzled it back together!

...and I didn’t even mention the little break there was in a filmcontact which I fixed also :-) I thought, if I mention that, people start thinking I’m into some very pathetic projects :-)

click to go to the project-page

Well, it all doesn’t matter now, cause my ibook keyboard is spotless now and it works brilliantly! ;-)

click here to go to the project-page

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