Near Science
These are MIT-students which made a program called SCIgen – An Automatic CS Paper Generator
SCIgen is a program that generates random Computer Science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations. It uses a hand-written context-free grammar to form all elements of the papers. Our aim here is to maximize amusement, rather than coherence.
...and it’s so good in producing randomly generated(!) papers, some of them get accepted for conferences! LOL
Now, these guys went to the WMSCI2005 and held a technical session, presenting 3 randomly generated papers and videotaped the whole thing… :-)
Download the video here
As mentioned in the Message from Mark's family this site has been made static. This means that it will be no longer possible to comment on his ideas and projects, but that we all can continue to cherish his modified Q-Q-QuakeIII-engine...