4 August 2005, 19:32 by mark hoekstra

old Macs never die...

Yesterday I was wondering why my old Mac LC475 was getting soooooo many visitors… it seemed as if it got about 300 visitors in one day!

You have to put this a little bit into perspective, normally the beautiful LC475 gets around 2-3 visitors a day, but then again, it hardly draws any energy.

click the picture to get a larger version

It seemed there has been a mentioning on MacInTouch of the 68K Macintosh Webserver Directory on which my LC475 is also linked…

It’ll probably the reason half of the 68K-webservers is down at the moment (or not responding fast enough with soooo much traffic coming at them ;-) )

Anyway, my LC (named Elsie ;-)) still humms away pretty nicely…

old Macs never die!

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4 August 2005, 01:39 by mark hoekstra

Bluetooth Car Whispering

Today, it’s all over the news, for instance on /., Injecting Audio Into Insecure Bluetooth Handsets

Anyways, this was a presentation I attended on WhatTheHack last friday and it was quite a presentation :-)

click the picture to get a larger version

Here you can see someone holding a BT-headset to the microphone, it didn’t work to actually let the headset play something but all of a sudden, there was a recording made through this headset on the speaker’s laptop (bad ass magic!) :-)

Well, for those interested, I made some more pictures, starting here (use the next-button to navigate through the pictures, pics 32 through 40 are from this demonstration)

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2 August 2005, 19:57 by mark hoekstra

...is it a bird? is it a plane? noooo...

...it’s MightyMouse!

...really, I’m not kidding… and as far as I know it’s not April’s Foolsday either… (Apple’s Foolsday maybe?)

click the picture to get a larger version

I’m sure it’s a good product but couldn’t they’ve come up with another name? I’m mean, come on!

Oh, before I forget, Apple’s MightyMouse Productpage ...

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2 August 2005, 14:33 by mark hoekstra

some wonderful jazz

I just downloaded this and playing it at this moment, but put it on repeat since it’s one wonderful jazz-record (well, part of it):

Ascenseur pour l’échafaud

click the picture to go to the post on Flickhead

These are only 10 of the 26 tracks on this soundtrack by Miles Davis. Let’s see if I can get my hands on the original (this on vinyl would be great!).

as you may notice, I am still in a very relaxed mood, even two days after WTH, did I already mention it’s been great? ;-)


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2 August 2005, 01:08 by mark hoekstra

Super Bad, Super Black

click the picture to go to the bedazzled-post

28 Classic Blaxploitation radio ads. 28 more to come.

these are groovy! you all dig that?

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1 August 2005, 02:17 by mark hoekstra

WhatTheHack! It's been brilliant!

I’m back home! in one piece, officially broke but totally satisfied :-)

click the picture to get a larger version

What a great days it have been. I met wonderful people, saw very interesting lectures and had a whole bunch of good fun, my traintrip back was a breeze, just listening to my iPod and overthinking the last couple of days with a big smile on my face…

on the picture you see (not even) all of the stuff I got/bought on WhatTheHack (or already had, like the hat and ibook), from left to right(and top to bottom), a Chaos Computer Club-sweater, two OpenBSD-t-shirts, my own personalized t-shirt and on the bottom, my red spa-bottle I continuously filled with non-drinkable water, the official program, my hardcopy of Phrack-magazine(yeeeeeee!), my hat&armband and my modded ibook(which survived it all!) and in front of the Phrack-magazine, the money I have left, 8 euros and 85 cents :-) The money I spent has been worth every penny at least triple.

BTW, all the hardware I brought, survived!. It’s been some wet days, and none of my stuff got stolen, even better, I never felt so safe in public about my gear, I left my ibook (and other stuff too) on the table as I slept and the last thing I heard, nothing got stolen during the whole conference! So, how about that? It’s been brilliant, the conference, the people, the 24h-tostibar, everything! (and now I’m gonna take a shower ;-))

...and for the last time, I updated the WTH-photogallery, I suggest you check the WhatTheSlideshow!:-)

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30 July 2005, 23:31 by mark hoekstra


Yet some more reporting(...) from the WhatTheHack-conference :-)

click the picture to go to the corresponding pic in my gallery (opens in a new browserwindow)

This pretty much sums it up, a chance of getting rain and man-in-the-middle-attacks :-)

And then something? I got myself a personalized t-shirt! with geektechnique.org on the front…

click the picture to go to the corresponding pic in my gallery (opens in a new browserwindow)

click the picture to go to the corresponding pic in my gallery (opens in a new browserwindow)

...and W!T!H! on the back! :-) Oh! and I found my HaXX0R-bunny... we met just outside the tent I’m hiding out and she’s lovely :-)

Check out my gallery for updates… there are 100+ pictures and counting…

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29 July 2005, 22:49 by mark hoekstra


I added some pictures in a gallery of the festival…

But this already must be the top-picture:

click the picture for a larger version

...more to follow in my gallery, as I’ll be adding pics all the time.

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29 July 2005, 02:46 by mark hoekstra


I arrived (already quite some hours ago) at WTH and have my stuff set up. So… I’m able to post from here :-)

More to follow in the coming days, but this is the entrance…

click the picture for a larger version

click the picture for a larger version

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28 July 2005, 03:01 by mark hoekstra

basejump footage

This is some awesome footage…

is it a bird? is it a plane? No! it’s a (suicidal) basejumper! :-)

click the picture for the video to download

if the video-link somehow doesn’t work, I’ve got it here also.

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