17 July 2005, 01:10 by mark hoekstra

bets are taken...

How much if I manage to puzzle this keyboard back together? ;-)

click for a bigger version

You may wonder why I did this… well, the keyboard was very filthy (very very filthy… click here for a close-up (be sure you’re not eating anything while viewing this)). And it seemed some keys were not responding like they should all the time(which isn’t a surprise.. I’m surprised I didn’t find a complete dead cat in there), so first I took off one key… and a while later my kitchen table looks like this :-)

Is it a bummer? No, hardly, the price still was right for this ibook (it was dead cheap) and even if I have to pay full Apple-price for a keyboard and a battery it’s still reasonable… but am I gonna do that? Think twice… ;-)

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16 July 2005, 19:42 by mark hoekstra


This has been on my list for several months now… getting a 2ndhand ibook 12”, just because I like ‘em a lot.

It already turned out to be a tour-the-force, cause everytime I had some money I decided to buy something else (like my Xeon-stuff) but somehow today was the day and I found an ibook 12” G3-600/384MB at a very reasonable price :-) It has some little things I need to take care off(like a new battery and it needs a thorough cleaning inside&out), but who cares? I’ve got my ibook! (and I have serious plans in modding this ibook, more on that later…)

click for a bigger version

And I’ve got it in time for WhatTheHack, which is held later this month and I’m going there…

I’m residing at the OpenBSD-hangout so I most definitely must have a go at OpenBSD/macppc otherwise I’m not sure I’ll make it to the field :-)

click for a bigger version

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16 July 2005, 13:07 by mark hoekstra

geek graffiti analysis

I’m not quite sure I understand it all… but it’s good stuff

About Graffiti Analysis

makes visible the unseen movements of graffiti writers in the creation of a tag. Motion tracking, computer vision technology and a custom C++ application are used to record and analyze a graffiti writer’s pen movement over time. These gestures are processed and used to produce algorithmically generated digital projections which appear at night in motion on the surfaces of buildings in New York City.

click for a bigger version

Graffiti Analysis

Geek Graffiti – linklist (and check out this guy’s LED belt buckle!)

...and his blog


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15 July 2005, 02:08 by mark hoekstra

Let Mario teach you physics...

clicking brings you to another page, click watch movie there


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14 July 2005, 23:04 by mark hoekstra

all I need...

click for a 1024×768-version

...is Putty on my phone! :-)

(and yes, that’s top on my colocated dual-Xeon you see there :-))

Oh man! this is brilliant!

Oh, and of course gmail & google can be handy too! ;-)

click for a 1024×768-version

click for a 1024×768-version

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13 July 2005, 23:30 by mark hoekstra

a new phone (again!) and then some...

Because of what must be a very good deal my employer has, I already had to choose another new phone…

I took the Nokia 7710… I’m not really into the mood to play with it yet, but this is the one… (been a very busy week till now and I’m too exhausted to play with a new phone, I must be getting ill! ;-))

...and here it is along with my other phone, a Nokia 7610, which still is an excellent phone. That’s also the reason I took the 7710, since I keep using the 7610 as my everyday phone and the only thing I wanted to be able to do is use SSH on a new phone (I can do that on the 7610 also, but the text-input is much better on the 7710).

...to be continued…

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13 July 2005, 23:29 by mark hoekstra

...a fanmod for my workstation...

My workstation should be pretty quiet… if it wasn’t for a Enlight server-PSU with screaming fans I had in there… So it’s time to mod!

One of the fans was very thin and I couldn’t get this Coolermaster-fan on the inside… so I put it on the outside (along with RPM-cables)

Here you can see the difference in height… Also the reason I couldn’t fit it inside again… It only seemed possible to cramp it all together if I took my motherboard with monster-coolers out first…

So I did!

...and everything fits inside again! I didn’t mod the voltage or anything, just swapped the fans with a more quiet model. I did get RPM-sensoring and inside the PSU is a temp-sensor taking care of the voltage the fans get. They don’t run at 12V, that’s for sure and it’s pretty quiet all together…

Case Closed!

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11 July 2005, 01:41 by mark hoekstra

closet-hosting days are (almost) over!

Geeez… next to my own site, I’m involved in another site and since I had this super-webserver I already decided it would be a good idea to put these 2 sites on this machine and co-locate it professionally…

this is me after 2 days of trying to save whatever there is to save of the old environment and eventually being glad there’s a new machine (my machine) taking care of the traffic

Only thing was, that I hadn’t planned it for this weekend! :-)

But… the environment where that other site was running in (Debian in an UML-environment) decided for some strange reasons to behave very strangely and eventually give up…

So… then I/we had to act quick and I started to build whatever I could build on the new server (at this moment, that’s only their weblogs) and colocate it (on a sunday!)

Well, good thing is of course, my dual-Xeon-webserver arrived at it’s destination in a datacenter and now, whenever I have time, I can migrate this site to there… :-) So my closet-hosting days are over!

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7 July 2005, 23:42 by mark hoekstra

I am Steve Jobs' Bitch-nailjob

No! those are not my nails!

more here


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7 July 2005, 00:13 by mark hoekstra

EU Parliament bins software patent bill

EU Parliament bins software patent bill

need I say more? Yee-f**kin’-Haa!

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