5 May 2005, 19:21 by mark hoekstra

is Intel in trouble?

Great column over at cooltechzone.com.

Is Intel in trouble?

As a matter of fact, I sure hope so. Imho they haven’t come up with anything since their 3.0GHz 533FSB Pentium4 (which was introduced 2 years ago!) but overclocks and die-shrinks while AMD is (also imho) technologically more advanced than Big Brother Intel… So move over! :-)

Take a look at AMD’s latest for instance…
AMD Venice

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5 May 2005, 18:34 by mark hoekstra

Respect, the movie

So this is a BMW-commercial? Whatever…

via (that should tell you enough about what to expect ;-))

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2 May 2005, 14:39 by mark hoekstra

Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It..

Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It…

I rest my case… :-)

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2 May 2005, 00:55 by mark hoekstra

Cell demonstrated

as it seems, last week on the COOL Chips VIII-show in Yokohama, Japan, Toshiba demonstrated the much rumoured Cell-chip, which is going to be found in the upcoming Playstation3…

The chip consists of eight cores and in the demonstration shown, it’s able to decode 48 MPEG2-streams simultaneously… and that’s on 6 cores (8 streams per core) one is used for scaling the screen and one is … idle :-)

Is this some good propaganda for showing the chip’s potential? OMG

Tech On! via

Sony’s Ken Kutaragi on the Cell “The chip came out far beyond my expectations.”

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2 May 2005, 00:18 by mark hoekstra

more mario

...the original commercial from 1983 can be found at Retro Junk

Makes you wonder why this pops up now... did somebody decide to spit through some betamax-tapes all of a sudden this weekend?

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30 April 2005, 11:21 by mark hoekstra

abandoned Japanese buildings

Earlier this week I already came across this link with pictures of an abandoned Japanese amusementpark… I mailed it to some friends, but didn’t post it cause I thought it was completely off-topic somehow…

Now today I come across a complete index with pictures of abandoned Japanese buildings… (it’s actually part of the same site, but I hadn’t found it in the first place since it’s a little hard to navigate if you can’t read Japanese…)

Anyway, I’m still clueless on what the main attraction is to these pictures, but I’m having a good time browsing them simply because I find most of these pictures stunning (Any psycho-analist out there may explain to me why I like it).

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30 April 2005, 10:30 by mark hoekstra

Super Mario on tape

Super Mario levels on 4 meters of tape… What a brilliant idea!

The Pepsi Tape Collection


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29 April 2005, 14:27 by mark hoekstra

Use a PS2-controller to...

control a $50 million dollar stage production

or a…

missile system interface

Well, the PS2-controller hasn’t lost much of it’s best controller-status (imho). Now let’s see if there’s gonna be something better on the upcoming E3 expo... I doubt it…. (and I’m still very pleased with it, combined with this).

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27 April 2005, 00:04 by mark hoekstra

a supercomputer came to town

Today, in the city I live in, Groningen, the Blue Gene/L was fired up for the first time (well… I’m sure some horny admins have fired it up before…) making it officially Europe’s fastest supercomputer! (at 27.4 teraflops, which would rank it 4th worldwide in the top 500)

it consist of 12,000 rather small chips:

Each node’s chip is 121 square millimeters and built on a manufacturing process with 130-nanometer features, Pulleyblank said. That compares with 267 square millimeters for IBM’s current flagship processor, the Power4+ used in its top-end Unix servers. The small size for Blue Gene’s chips is crucial to ensure the chips don’t emit too much waste heat, which would prevent engineers from packing them densely enough.

Two nodes are mounted onto a module; 16 modules fit into a chassis; and 32 chassis are mounted into a rack.

The computer, called Stella (Supercomputer Technology for Linked Lofar Applications) will be used to compute all the data coming from the 220 miles diameter, 25,000 sensor-network called LOFAR, thereby creating the worlds most sensitive radio-telescope. All this data will be fed to Stella by a 800 gigabit-per-second glassfibre connection…

The data of this website is coming to you from that very datacenter! (my webserver is located in a nearby student-apartmentblock connected through it’s high-speed link)

IBM plans 2nd Blue Gene supercomputer (that’s this one)

high performance computing facilities at the RUG

my day at the supercomputing centre (old pics already, that Cray is obsolete now!)

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25 April 2005, 14:54 by mark hoekstra

NeXT cube mod

Wow… this seems quite a good idea… Maybe I should decide my next workstation will be a NeXT-mod with modern hardware inside (dual opteron dual-core?) and a cinemadisplay?... too cool!

NeXT cube G4 (again from Japan)

And for anyone who’s not familiar with the NeXT-cube… this is it

now where do I find such a cube?... and a winning lottery-ticket for the hardware that has to go inside?


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