25 April 2005, 13:31 by mark hoekstra

Hipster PDA

Probably a lot of you have the same experience as it comes to PDA’s as I do… Before you own it, it all seems so convenient and once you actually possess it… do you use it? Well, I didn’t but somehow I think this Hipster PDA just seems right, next to that, it’s price/performance-ratio simply can’t be beaten!

Hipster PDA

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25 April 2005, 01:11 by mark hoekstra

Kick-Off Rotterdam

Nieuwe Garde is a network for creative individuals in which I’m active
and now this same network had a Kick-Off in Rotterdam!

The party was excellent and it gets (and fully deserves) an excellent photo-album as well! Great photos made by a long-time friend (I used to live in Rotterdam).

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24 April 2005, 13:57 by mark hoekstra

iPod Special Editions

Why would only U2 get a special edition iPod? How about this one?

Ray Charles edition (I guess Stevie Wonder will like it too)

more here

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24 April 2005, 13:31 by mark hoekstra

revenge of TSS

It depends on where you’re located, but maybe you know a show called The ScreenSavers, which was on TechTV (later G4TechTV, now G4). It’s not on my cable or such (I’m in Yurp) but a while ago a lot of these shows were available for download (if you knew where to look) and I enjoyed quite a lot of the episodes.

Anyway, the show is canceled, I’m not sure why, I guess it has to do with G4 calling themselves Video Game Television now, which very clearly comes from the marketing department and imho it sucks…

But… now there’s ‘Revenge of TSS’ available as podcast!

The Revenge of the Bleep

revenge is best served over IP

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24 April 2005, 12:43 by mark hoekstra

never trust a penguin

the penguin could of course carry a concealed weapon (or is a penguin a weapon on it’s own?)

and yes, these penguins are send through a metaldetector and no, it’s not a joke…

Anyway, this is completely beyond me…

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22 April 2005, 14:16 by mark hoekstra

DIY pixelart

Well, following the Post-It Pixelart it seems there’s gonna be a must have for people like you and me ;-)

Dot-Pin sets

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22 April 2005, 12:50 by mark hoekstra

how to catch a thief

...being a professor at Berkeley, you could of course try to scare the sh*t out of the thief by explaining the terrifying consequences that will soon befall the student that stole his laptop. (check the links at the bottom for the video/mp3/transcript). But it becomes hilarious rather than effective… But we’ll see, if this very important laptop of this very important professor gets returned…

“I installed the same version of Windows on another computer – within fifteen minutes the people in Redmond Washington were very interested to know why it was that the same version of Windows was being signalled to them from two different computers.”

Well, then you shouldn’t be surprised people are starting to make fun of the whole situation…

torrent-link to the video

link to the MP3 of the lecture

link to a transcript of that lecture


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21 April 2005, 23:12 by mark hoekstra

G5 cube

Never released for real, but this mod looks pretty darn good…

Power Mac G4 Cube but now in true G5-style… from Japan, of course :-)

You can find the making of this cube here

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20 April 2005, 22:15 by mark hoekstra

finally the real thing

Today I was looking in what we had in stock at my work(I sell hardware as a job) and there it was… the last golden iPod mini, it’s already been ditched by Apple but somehow this was the one and this was the moment :-)

So the iNO now officially is an ‘objet d’art’ and of course a techno-fashion statement but in the streets I choose to wear the real thing from now on… (not that I ever wore the iNo for real… really… not)

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20 April 2005, 00:40 by mark hoekstra

ascii pr0n

I sometimes use the term ‘ascii pr0n’ as being the nerdiest of things… but it exists for real! ;-)

If you can read the movie title in the above screenshot… you’re ready for some ascii pr0n! 55 minutes of nerdiness! and safe for work! if it doesn’t seem to work and you’re on a Mac, try java applet runner to see this work

via oddobjects.info (make sure to check out that site as well)

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