19 April 2005, 23:06 by mark hoekstra

Ellen Feiss Unreleased Ad

It looks like Ellen Feiss’ 15 minutes of fame got into the 16th minute… cause now there is the unreleased Ellen Feiss Powerbook G4 ad

Ellen Feiss, E l l e n F e i s s, ah come on, you remember her, “it was like bleep bleep bleep bleep” “it was kinda of … ... ... a bummer”

here’s the original ad that made her famous

and here all the other Switch-commercials


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18 April 2005, 21:58 by mark hoekstra

NObudget hiphop-video

Duvelduvel is a Rotterdam-based hiphopcrew and I guess they have some big fans at Habbekrats advertisement-agency. Why? Well, this agency decided to shoot a video without the special permission from the hiphop-crew and just released the video. ...and what a video it is!

download here 23MB MPEG1

or, if that seems to fail, download from my webserver here 9MB Xvid/MP3

further reading (all dutch):
Reclamebureau maakt Duvelduvel-clip zonder toestemming rappers
Wie Is Ut – Habbekrats’ Duvelduvel Clip at Mixin.nl
Victor’s blog, one of the makers of the video

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17 April 2005, 02:36 by mark hoekstra

spell with flickr

At this site, I use Dynamic Text Replacement to render my h2-tags… but maybe, with another redesign, I should push the envelope and use this Spell with Flickr service… (all fresh all the time… try reloading a couple of times)

Also looks like a ransomnote, doesn’t it?


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16 April 2005, 22:53 by mark hoekstra

Kiwi Ingenuity

Give a roadgoing rallycar to a Kiwi and he makes you this:

I guess it must’ve looked something like this before:

but I guess less=more is going strong on this one… I can’t wait till they post some footage of the thing in action.


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15 April 2005, 18:10 by mark hoekstra

PSP :: a fairy tale (pt.2)

Oh, wait… this goes on…

...and that’s not a Sony marketing picture…

Beautiful Playthings: Fondling Consoles

Geez… I guess there’s a wave of chick-girl-gamers waiting around the corner… with PSP’s hidden in these? (if they aren’t licking them)

via (where else could I get this info from?)


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15 April 2005, 16:17 by mark hoekstra

prodigy RC-helicopter pilot

click image for video, 23MB wmv

it seems the pilot is 9 years old…

Somehow I believe this kid should be an Ace-pilot for upcoming unmanned military planes/helicopters. He’s able to scare the sh*t out of any enemy without having the need to drop a single bomb!


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15 April 2005, 11:48 by mark hoekstra

PSP :: a fairy tale

In Korea they know how to market the latest gadget the right way.

All this you can find on the Korean PSP-site (the xp-sp2-version of the page works for me on firefox/linux)


and if you’re still not convinced the PSP is the portable console to get… or this arty stuff isn’t what you like, maybe this works for you…

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14 April 2005, 12:30 by mark hoekstra

don't smoke and ski

via -> via

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14 April 2005, 12:26 by mark hoekstra

it's a friggin' conspiracy

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14 April 2005, 01:55 by mark hoekstra

user review

How about that? a true user review of my Blue Led Mouse by Rutger (don’t forget to visit his all fresh – all new blog also.)

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