22 May 2005, 13:13 by mark hoekstra

Xbox360 on the E3, or was there?

Well, this will be the first and also the last post I’ll do on the Xbox360…

Take a good look at these pics:


So, MS is trying to be the first to market with their next-gen console… But all it is now is a bunch of plastic with two Apple G5’s in the back doing all the work on this years E3... I hope they know how to spell pathetic, cause that’s what it is…

...but, look at this trailer… If you’re into getting a next-gen console, I recommend you wait till this PS3 is around, you won’t regret it, believe me :-)

I’m not planning in making this a MS-bashing site or such, but since this one of my very few posts about these Einsteins (who all seem to work on the marketingdep.)... let’s get it on…

On Windows Media Center, you have this recording-icon in the systray:

Very handy, I must admit. But… what does this brilliant OS make of it after a while? “Oh, this icon is inactive, let me hide it!”

So… what do I think with one look on my systray? “OMG, my recording stopped!!!”

...can’t these guys just for once think twice before they release something? tssssssssssssssss…

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22 May 2005, 12:43 by mark hoekstra

Yoda is just a Gigolo...

It’s quite clear you don’t need the lightsaber-effects to come up with a hilarious Star-Wars-related video…


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22 May 2005, 12:13 by mark hoekstra


Now you can add lightsaber-effects fairly simple to your own video’s

...let’s all hope there’s another Star Wars Kid-video popping up somewhere, so it can get remixed again :-)


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20 May 2005, 13:43 by mark hoekstra


Even though it’s only 2 months ago I switched my servers and my current webserver is behaving very well… I couldn’t resist this server-chassis...

It’s gonna be a while before I have it up&running, but it’s gonna be a killer-webserver… and to keep it in style, I really should co-locate it by bike :-)

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20 May 2005, 01:41 by mark hoekstra

OpenBSD 3.7 released!

My favourite OS just got better :-)

OpenBSD 3.7 release-page

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20 May 2005, 01:17 by mark hoekstra


A woman was helping her husband set up his computer, and at the appropriate point in the process, told him that he would now need to enter a password.. Something he will use to log on.

The husband was in a rather amorous mood and figured he would try for the shock effect to bring this to his wife’s attention. So, when the computer asked him to enter his password, he made it plainly obvious to his wife that he was keying in






His wife fell off her chair laughing when the computer replied:



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18 May 2005, 22:57 by mark hoekstra

kensington lockpicking

Well… if the story about WEP-encryption being cracked in under 3 minutes got you thinking… how about this? Lock-picking a Kensington-lock in 50 seconds and that includes making the tool!

link to 7.5MB .wmv-file

Nice t-shirt BTW :-)


if somehow the video gets offline, I mirrored it here

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18 May 2005, 21:37 by mark hoekstra


We specialise in Macintosh®-based retro arcade gaming.

There’s not much to see on the website… Probably only plans and you can subscribe to a mailinglist… Hmmmz

Well, maybe I can beat’em to the clock with my hush-hush project :-) But then, that’s gonna be a one-off…

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18 May 2005, 01:52 by mark hoekstra

WLAN 0wn3d!

First of all… why are these gentlemen(which are FEDs BTW) grinning like a couple of highschool-teens? :-)

Probably because they can crack WEP-encryption in around three minutes and then have access to all your funny stuff…

Anyway, read all about it on tomsnetworking.com


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15 May 2005, 23:57 by mark hoekstra

domokun ipod-case

Even though I ordered ipod-socks I’m very sure this is cooler in a magnitude of 10… (read: I want it!!!)


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