8 September 2005, 01:28 by mark hoekstra

fictitious apples

yada yada yada, if you still didn’t catch the real apple-news, I suggest you read it here... or here (nano) & here (ROKR)

Then I’m gonna go further and look at what Motorola obviously missed…

clicking the image brings you a larger version

Geez… I actually like quite a lot of these fictitious apple-designs


this would be an absolute killer imho… an ibook as large as a Sony VAIO C1VN picturebook (already obsolete but I’d still like one)

Next to that, who cares about obsoleteness? after today, even my iPod mini is obsolete!

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5 September 2005, 18:11 by mark hoekstra

happy hackaday! (cakemods and such :d )

Today it’s hackaday’s 1st anniversary, and what better way to celebrate it than with a (drumroll please)


clicking the skull brings you to the recipe … and … it is my birthday in exactly one week hinthint

Happy Hada01!

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5 September 2005, 17:53 by mark hoekstra


This seems like an incredibly interesting program:

Modulobe is a simulation system that allows users to easily create and share virtual creatures by combining so-called “modules.” The composed creatures and the world they inhabit operate based on the law of physics.


Now if I only got it running through wine, that would be great :-)

(the menu doesn’t work, which has to do with the imgctl.dll which comes with the program, but I’m no wine-wizard (I emerged it just for this…)


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4 September 2005, 18:50 by mark hoekstra

tsssss... some people

well, what to think of this?

never mind the adult advertising on that page…

I guess he put it back together after he made the pictures :-)

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4 September 2005, 11:00 by mark hoekstra

DNS updated

This page is now coming from my new server :-) yeeeeh!

Finally the DNS-info of geektechnique.org got updated, but it’ll take something like 24 hours before most nameservers will understand… ;-)

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2 September 2005, 14:40 by mark hoekstra


The plans were that I would be moving this site this weekend to it’s new server… Well, the site already is up&running there, I’m only waiting for the moment my DNS has changed and that’s where the problem resides at this moment, cause I use(d) domainforwarding at DirectNIC located in New Orleans and there’s not much I can do and to be honest, since I found out that was the ‘problem’ I don’t really care… The news coming from New Orleans is getting more alarming everytime I try to get updated…


Vacation is Over… an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

The Interdictor Livejournal

New Orleans LA post-Katrina Intel Dissemination Wiki!

Let’s hope for the best

oh, there’s a possibility my mail drops out of service also, people who want to mail me better use markhoekstra[at]gmail.com

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31 August 2005, 23:20 by mark hoekstra

sound hacking extraordinaire

Check out Fabienne’s latest how-to :-)

How-To Control Csound with a Custom Midi Controller: Introduction (1 of 2) (hackaday.com)

How-To Control Csound with a Custom Midi Controller: Hardware (2 of 2) (hackaday.com)

more shots on Flickr

..and more on this brilliant girl (I know you all want to know ;-)):

Fabienne Serriere, Sound Hacker Extraordinaire (createdigitalmusic.com)

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30 August 2005, 01:39 by mark hoekstra

daily street art

If you like street art, you are getting lucky with:

daily street art

updated daily with 7-10 pictures, mainly from NYC

Now I wonder when the Flying Spaghetti Monster will make it’s street art debut… ;-)


Boy, this is getting religious! His Noodliness appeared on the street!

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29 August 2005, 18:03 by mark hoekstra

...finally my iBook-projectpage

Regular readers of this page (keep’em coming!) already know that I painted my iBook a while ago but somehow I wasn’t to eager to put it all in a projectpage…

Why? Well, I didn’t like the fact I didn’t completely succeed in it… but after doubting for a while if I would be doing it all over again I decided to say ‘funk that!’, I like my iBook as it is now… this pretty much is the funkiest 3 year old iBook you’ll find…

clicking the green ibook brings you to it’s projectpage

So, what exactly went wrong? read all about it on my iBook-painting projectpage :-)

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29 August 2005, 01:05 by mark hoekstra

forget iPod-socks...

...if you live in Japan and travel by commuter train during rush hour, you need real protection…

...bring in the armor plated iPod !

link (in Japanese of course) ;-)


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