28 August 2005, 23:17 by mark hoekstra

blogging explained, sort of...

Well, actually the title of the article I’m linking to is “The demise of the geek bloggers” and well… hmmmzzz…

Anyways, if you think blogging is just around, think again and read this article about first, second and third generation bloggers and then some.

...and of course this post needs a gapingvoid-cartoon :-)

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27 August 2005, 14:01 by mark hoekstra

my pics on hackaday.com

How’s that? Getting your pictures credited in an excellent post-conference highlights-post on hackaday.com ? :-)

It really took me a while before I noticed the overall picture on top of the article is also one I made

...and the cute hax0r-bunny I met on WTH is getting famous now for sure, I hope she does well… :D

I got asked up front very nicely by fabienne if she could use the pictures. Well, of course! I really like the fact my pics can serve this purpose…

Be sure to check out some of her How-To’s for hackaday and engadget. Maybe you could learn something :-)

my slideshow of WTH still can be found here

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27 August 2005, 13:35 by mark hoekstra

illusion? ILLUSION!

This is one weird optical illusion… stare at the black cross for a while and all of a sudden the empty space becomes a green dot and after that all the purple dots seem to disappear! creepy…


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26 August 2005, 01:18 by mark hoekstra

Punk Pillows

Don’t even try to comprehend what this does on my site, cause I don’t understand it either… it’s just that this styling is pretty much what I had in mind for this new project, that’s all… oh and enjoy the linen :-)

Sin in Linen

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24 August 2005, 00:44 by mark hoekstra

open-sourcing hip-hop

The Beastie Boys decided to give away A Capella versions of some of their tracks :-)

These A Cappellas are for your own personal use to make your own remixes. We’ll be adding a new one every Friday for the next little while.

Share your remixes, talk turkey and more over at the Beazly Boys Remix Forum

See you next Friday.

The A Cappella Download Page can be found here

On what kind of license would this be? GPL or BSD? ;-)

official page

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23 August 2005, 18:41 by mark hoekstra

what's this?

I’m busy on some new project and I’m not gonna tell what it is… (aaaaah)

The logo on my phone is what I just got in and I’m totally satisfied (for now) with this first logo. That’s also why I immediately pimped my phone with it :-)

clicking the image brings you a bigger version

Well, it’s gonna be another site, but not a replacement for geektechnique or such, something totally different for a totally different audience too, but more on that later (probably ;-) )

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22 August 2005, 22:38 by mark hoekstra

the cult of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Well, this all started as a protest against the Kansas School Board’s decision to teach “Intelligent Design” (Biblical Creationism tarted up in scientific dress) in schools but it’s taking rather big and hilarious proportions now, to my amusement (and yours too, probably)...

First, the open letter which started this all:

Dear Kansas: Why stop at “Intelligent Design?” What about Spaghetti Monsters?

clicking the image brings you to Wikipedia’s definition of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

So, become a Pastafarian and preach the word of the Noodly Master!

Giving his Noodleness a place in history:

clicking the image brings you a bigger version

...a first design for a …bumpersticker! yeah! Pastafarians do understand!

clicking the image brings you a bigger version

more FSM-links:
Boing Boing’s $250,000 Intelligent Design challenge (UPDATED: $1 million)

FSM has a Posse! (Flickr)

Pastafarianism: Flying Spaghetti Monster cult grows (BoingBoing)

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22 August 2005, 21:19 by mark hoekstra

...for those who like boats

Yesterday, I went to Sail 2005 in Amsterdam and made some pictures.

So, if you like to look at boats (hey, it’s hardware too) , check out my gallery.

clicking the picture brings you to the gallery

It was quite crowded… :-)

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21 August 2005, 02:14 by mark hoekstra

Quake III source *is* released!

I’m quite busy this weekend, so not a lot of posting going on here… Anyways the Quake III source indeed got released!

here’s a link to the source

Read all about it at /.

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17 August 2005, 21:12 by mark hoekstra


Sometimes all this tech and intarweb-concepts combine to some great spinoff…

take flickr and del.icio.us and you get:


I don’t see what the site itself has to do with del.icio.us, but who cares? The name is great and it was the Stamen: Vox Delicii-delicio.us-spinoff which got me on flickrlicio.us in the 1st place…

Oh, and they do have a RSS-feed, how handy! :-)

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