quite a week
My blog post frequency is extremely low at the moment. But, (I know I’ve said this before) I’m extremely busy at the moment. Sometimes when I’m busy, that also leads to a lot of stuff I can blog about. And sometimes it does not ;-)
Before anyone starts to think I’ve forgotten the password to my own CMS, let’s review this last week ^_^
Last wednesday (that’s the 12th of december) I spent a great deal of the day in public transport. I was asked to give a lecture at the Faculty of Communication and Multimedia Design in Breda. I took me a while before I realized it was a three and a half hour train ride to get there (and three and a half hours back), it took me even longer to realize they expected me to talk for one and a half hours straight ^_^
click to go to the corresponding set on flickr
But… I guess I pulled it off and I enjoyed it very much. To me it’s very nice to be able to talk about my projects in front of (a lot of) people, even if in the end this one session took me a full day. I need a fast car for stuff like this I guess! Oh, well, talking about that…
A while ago I spotted a Renault Sport Spider, which is quite a rare car I guess, here in Groningen at a local garage. Not expecting anything, I talked about that with colleagues of Bright and in the end my colleague Meike came all the way to Groningen to film this car for bright.tv. I’m not in the clip or anything, but I had a fun day running around and helping out where I could. The people from the garage were extremely helpful and nice. The clip from Meike can be seen here (in Dutch)
click to go to the corresponding set on flickr
And then, last monday I took a day off from my day job (I still have a day job also ^_^) to be able to help out setting up everything for Pecha Kucha Night Volume VIII in Groningen. It’s almost two years ago, since I came across the concept of Pecha Kucha and in the mean time, it has grown globally to an enormous amount of cities where this is hosted and I still think it’s awesome that we’re able to host our own event here in Groningen ^_^
click to go to the corresponding set on flickr
This time we could host it inside it an old jailhouse (!!!) (thank you rijksgebouwendienst!) and it was the best place so far I guess. Lots of people showed up (even though it was very cold) and I believe people had quite a good time there. ^_^
click to go to the corresponding set on flickr
My flickr set can be found here and Platform Gras‘ flickr set can be found here. The people of Platform Gras were the actual organizers of the event, I was just there, you know, running around with some duct tape *^_^*
All in all these were some very busy but also very gratifying days, let’s see if I can spend some days at my kitchen table during the holidays. *^_^*
Message from Mark's family this site has been made static. This means that it will be no longer possible to comment on his ideas and projects, but that we all can continue to cherish his creativity.previous: project: using an Indy as network MP3 player
Je project zijn heel erg mooi en dat mag gezegd worden. Maar laat dat door andere zeggen. De sites die al jou werk online zetten doen dat al voor je. Het lijkt me slim om er dan geen schepje bovenop te doen. Ik ben van mening dat je tijdens de lezing bij CMD jezelf de hemel in prees. Maar dat is slechts mijn mening. Blijf bescheiden zou ik zeggen..
Succes nog met je projecten.
Met vriendelijke groet.
Dank voor je reactie. Toch kijk ik er wel enigzins van op.
In mijn eigen beleving heb ik enthousiast over m’n eigen projecten gesproken, als dat uitgelegd wordt als “mezelf de hemel in prijzen” dan gaat er iets niet geheel goed.
Je moet enthousiasme (en van mijn kant is het eerlijk en gemeend enthousiasme, er zit geen commerciele drijfveer achter o.i.d.) denk ik niet verwarren met iets anders.
Toch neem ik je commentaar wel mee voor een volgende keer als ik ergens gevraagd word te spreken.