one for the holidays, SNES on your iBook
With Christmas coming up and the whole world standing in line for a next-gen console, I thought it would be a good idea to spend some time on retro-gaming.
I succesfully turned my old iBook into a SNES-emulator. Now that alone is not very special, emulators are around for ages of course. But I also hooked up Sony’s dualshock2-controllers!
On the right you can see my friend Nine, who turned into a professional streetfighter just like that after laying eyes on my retro-console-setup! *^_^*
click to go to the projectpage
the projectpage:
How to make a 2-player SNES of your iBook
previous: gimme back my audio!
*rant from air*
Well, Air, I saw you read my reply, so I removed it.
...and that was the last we've seen from you! (All your other crap is going to be removed from now on). So if you want to put all your energy into /dev/null, go ahead, but it's not the wisest thing to do... Merry christmas to you too ^_^
I got it going on my Mac with some success…
Unfortunately, USB Overdrive doesn’t appear to see my Xbox 360 controller, so I had to fire up the Windows partition and use Zsnes.
Would you know of any way to make a Xbox360 controller work with a Mac?
There are some people busy with a Mac-driver for the Xbox360-controller…