19 August 2006, 01:58 by mark hoekstra

abandoned futuristic housing

Well, since it seems I’m not capable of producing my own content right now… *^_^*

(as I said earlier, there’s a lot going on, all positive things by the way, but nothing I can blog/publish right now)

Soooo… to keep things going, I pick up on an old favourite… abandoned places, like these Japanese buildings earlier on…

This time I came across these wonderful images of abandoned futuristic houses in Taiwan…

clicking the pic brings you to the flickr-photoset

Just look at them!


...even more pics… (thanks! Rollmops!)


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  1. rollmops @ 19 August 2006, 13:58 :

    More photos in color and Google Earth/Maps infos at the link.

  2. Ceristimo @ 19 August 2006, 15:53 :

    I’m also very attracted to pictures like this.
    Hey Mark, maybe you’ll like this website too, it’s Dutch and there are also a few nice abandoned buildings to find there:

  3. ivan @ 27 June 2007, 16:14 :

    hi there can you give me the plan of that house? i need it badly

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