Beatles/Beasties mashups
dj BC has released a second album of “Beastles” (Beatles/Beastie Boys) mashups called Let It Beast. It’s one hell of an album and next to that I so enormously like the fact it’s just up for download, no DRM, no Sony, no nothing! Just like it should be! You should support it any way you can, regardless if you like it or not! :-) (imho of course)...
Although, the site of dj BC is down at the moment, and the downloadlinks/mirrors over at Boing Boing don’t seem to work also. So I guess it’s pretty popular and that’s a good thing!
So, how to get it? Do like me and use this torrent, I used it and I share it now (probably for a long time).
Grey Tuesday
partly related post about The Grey Album (and for Dutch readers, never mind the hilarious comment…)
Grey Album mirror over at retecool
previous: first article in print, more stickers, etc...
next: borking videocard and lockpicktools
i’ve mirrored both albums as zips:
thanks!Uhmmm – there is a LOT interesting and mind-boggling music out there. Music that tries to break new grounds. This here is simply stupid and boring… a copy of a copy of a copy… BIG YAWN!