13 January 2006, 17:55 by nijne

panda tour!

so i never knew panda’s travelled, but obviously they do
and it looks like they’re having a great time

look at their pics!
oh and chris the little pain in the buttocks demanded a credit for giving me this link so here credit happy now!?

haven’t had enough pandacuteness?

be sure to play PANDADVENTURE!

enjoy! :D

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  1. nijne @ 13 January 2006, 18:07 :

    [17:08 PM] phylum sinter | undeniable holarchic prophecies says:


    [17:08 PM] phylum sinter | undeniable holarchic prophecies says:

    still not happy though

    [17:08 PM] phylum sinter | undeniable holarchic prophecies says:

    not until you get in the panda suit and take a tour with me


    i can’t win!!

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