28 March 2005, 18:22 by mark hoekstra

bling bling PSP

need I say more? :-)

Now if they only show it in a Snoopdogg-video, it might sell… just like this one (which I wrote about here )

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28 March 2005, 13:05 by mark hoekstra

Flickr Postcard Browser

I used the Random Personal Picture Finder for my daily need of random pictures, but now there’s another service

Flickr Postcard Browser V1.0

This time you can enter a search tag and as far as I can see there’s no safe search or such (you know what I mean ;-)) so go ahead!

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27 March 2005, 14:44 by mark hoekstra

those funny Germans...

Well, it cracked me up ;-)

Rent a German

H.Ball (52), German

rentagerman.de offers a wide range of Germans for your personal and social needs.

Imagine to appear with your German at parties, family events, or just hang out with them at the local shopping center.

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26 March 2005, 16:11 by mark hoekstra


Clocky has already been on some major blogs, but still… it’s one ingenious alarmclock :-)

When the alarm clock goes off and the snooze button is pressed, Clocky will roll off the bedside table and wheel away, bumping mindlessly into objects on the floor until it eventually finds a spot to rest. Minutes later, when the alarm sounds again, the sleeper must get up out of bed … an internal processor helps it find a new hiding spot every day.


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26 March 2005, 15:08 by mark hoekstra

Pixel Roller Prototype One

Now, this is some impressive stuff…

The pixel roller does exactly what it say it is, rolls pixels. It can be viewed like a hand printer, the pixel roller can roll out any image, video or text manually, at any speed or diraction, round corners and over surfaces.

Then, bring in the Pixel Roller Prototype One

and a wall painted with phosophescent ink

...and you get… magic! Painting with pixels for real!

watch this video, very impressive:
Pixel Roller Video
Pixel Roller Overview
Pixel Roller Gallery

via we-make-money-not-art.com

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26 March 2005, 12:21 by mark hoekstra

If you really get bored this Easter...

Try to make one of these transparent backgrounds…

...that should keep you busy some time ;-)

Here you can find lots more…

via gzmd (I do read other newssources though…)

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25 March 2005, 15:23 by mark hoekstra

retro flash drive

This must be the coolest USB-drive in the world… Only thing is, normally you can attach them to your keychain or such and even I wouldn’t try to put an Atari2600-cartridge on my keychain :-)

...but does it matter? imho it’s übercool

retro flash drive

via gizmodo

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25 March 2005, 03:13 by mark hoekstra


Yesuree, after painstakingly long hours of collecting parts, building a server, installing a brilliant OS with an evenly brilliant CMS , co-locate the whole shebang and actually build a page on it… we’re here!!!

geektechnique 2.0 is a fact

pfew… and now I go to sleep :-) if any of you finds major bugs somewhere, please drop it in the comments

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25 March 2005, 03:10 by mark hoekstra

I'm blogging this!

I’ve been doubting for a long time if I would integrate a blog in my new page or not. But hey! I’m not starting a project everyday so here we go. I don’t exactly have a plan with this, but who does? This is just my page where I do what I like. If you like it, fine. If you comment on it, even better. If you don’t like it, you probably use IE… ;-)

Let’s cut the crap, enjoy! (and be kind and leave a comment or two, will you?)

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25 March 2005, 02:44 by mark hoekstra

The Apple Motion Sensor

Not long ago, Apple added a feature called Sudden Motion Sensor (SMS) to the PowerBook line. The sensor attempts to prevent data loss by parking the heads of an active disk drive after detecting a “sudden motion”, which could be due to strong vibrations or a fall.

But… there’s a better use for something interesting like this, isn’t there?

On kernelthread.com they think there is.

The PowerBook Sudden Motion Sensor
The Apple Motion Sensor As A Human Interface Device

In short, you can use the powerbook as a ‘Human Interface Device’... even shorter… you can now play games with your powerbook by tilting it! :-)

Be sure to check out the movies:

Playing Neverball
Playing several games

On Applefritter they experiment as well :-)

via /.

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