Last changed on 12/22/07. This album contains 68 items
This album has been viewed 17791 times since 04/01/06.
Some pics from the first Pecha Kucha night in the Netherlands, in Rotterdam.
The Japanese term ´Pecha Kucha´ roughly translates as chit-chat or irritating chatter. As a happy crossbreed between an elevator pitch and a slide show Pecha Kucha Night will present maximally 15 participants who will show 20 slides for twenty seconds each.
Last changed on 12/22/07. This album contains 68 items
This album has been viewed 17920 times since 03/12/06.
Last changed on 12/22/07. This album contains 68 items
This album has been viewed 21024 times since 10/21/05.
The 2005 O'Reilly European Open Source Convention in Amsterdam is in full swing, bringing together diverse projects and communities from across the continent and around the world to address the changes and challenges unique to the European computing community.
Last changed on 12/22/07. This album contains 70 items
This album has been viewed 20645 times since 10/17/05.
a very nice boattrip at Sail 2005 in Amsterdam
Last changed on 12/22/07. This album contains 93 items
This album has been viewed 26046 times since 08/21/05.
my 3.5 days at the WhatTheHack hackers-conference 28-31 july 2005
Last changed on 12/22/07. This album contains 113 items
This album has been viewed 41708 times since 07/29/05.